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William J Urmson
Views for this Topic: 783

8/12/2024 7:45:32 AM
Golden Kayak Awards

10/26/2022 8:04:32 AM
Apology to Scott

4/25/2022 5:31:12 AM
IMP is dead RIP

1/19/2017 8:16:14 AM
Back for another round

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William J Urmson

4/25/2022 5:31:12 AM ---- Updated 4/27/2022 9:00:05 AM

IMP is dead RIP
As of today I resign my music page from IMP. I say what needs said and this rouge that somehow after 4 months some phantom fix is coming is now an insult to everyone's intelligence. In my opinion there's maybe the possibility of reorganization due to bankruptcy held up in the courts thus the stall or the money just isn't there for the rebuild of this site or it is in the process of being sold or it's up for sale all speculation on my part but anyway you cut it it's about money. I urge the management of IMP to come clean with the real reason why this lie continues. The good people of this site deserve at least that~ WJU

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4/25/2022 5:50:51 AM

wrong and wrong.

I am getting an update sometime Monday.

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Desperado Revue

4/25/2022 7:11:03 AM

All so wrong.

I'm waiting for the update and keep working the stations.


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4/25/2022 11:45:07 AM

Hang in there, William. Keep the good vibes flowing!

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4/27/2022 5:24:13 AM

Okay, I would never claim to have some inside knowledge about what is going on around here. I don't! Your assertions could possibly be true but I would have to say that they are very unlikely to be true. First off, I am very sure the site is not up for sale. The reason for this is basic economics. This site has never turned a profit nor does it show any possibility of turning a profit as there is no revenue stream. I would assert that nobody in their right mind would buy something that has existed this long and never turned a profit and has no consistent revenue stream. Now, I agree that there should be a lot more transparency about the inner workings of the site. Also, I agree that being in this condition for such a long time is a very, very, bad look. However, there is no evidence that management is not doing all that it can to resolve the situation. I would hope that we can all give them a little more time to try to figure it out before we start bailing on them. I admit that leaving has crossed my mind a few times also. But I keep holding on to the memories of all the years I have been here. That leads me to stay a while and try to be supportive. I hope most of us will do the same. i can understand those folks who want to leave and I don;t hold any ill feeling towards their personal decisions or them. One of the things I learned in the Navy is that before you abandon the ship you need to have some sort of floating device to get you to the nearest shore. All I am saying is that there is no place out there like this place. It is up to all of us to keep it alive. We are IMP. Are we not? She is listing a bit and may sink but we should not abandon her until she is totally sunk. Lets all try to be a bit more patient and maybe things will turn around soon. If they don't then yeah, pack yo' shit and get to step'n. The main reason that I am not leaving yet is that I love this fucking place. Much Respect, Stoneman

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William J Urmson

4/27/2022 7:25:17 AM ---- Updated 4/27/2022 11:33:30 AM

I don't tap dance or wear rose colored glasses and I'm the guy that tells the King he has no clothes. My time here on IAC is over but just want to thank all the station owners (Norm) that added my songs over the years. I'd also like to thank all the very talented artists here that enriched my life through their music and by their support and friendship. I hope my IMP is Dead remark puts a boot in someones butt for some real answers and action not for me but for those who choose to remain. I genuinely hope somehow someway IAC lives on if not on the internet in our hearts. I'm out thanx for the experience and good luck to all~ WJU

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4/27/2022 9:26:44 AM

well William, if you ever want to come back, please feel free to.

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Desperado Revue

4/27/2022 9:45:07 AM

You hav'nt deactivated your artist page, that's a good sign although you've removed all of your tracks. Maybe you want to come back after we've all weathered the storm.


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4/27/2022 11:39:05 AM

Hey William,

I have always been supportive of your music and had your songs on many of my stations. I wish you luck wherever you go, and hope you come back someday when this mess gets straightened out as so many of your songs resonated with me.

Be well,

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Bryon Tosoff

4/28/2022 12:54:41 PM

@Norm, No artist can remove their own page, that only can be done by admin, I know, I had an artist page removed of an artist I represented who requested all representation in all aspects of a promotion I was doing cause they got their knickers in a knot cause things were not going the way they expected, and actually things were going decently and only a few weeks in the promo, and all who know me said the guy was out of his mind to get so worked up

so bottom line, no one c an delete their artist page, only by request to admin

the guy

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Desperado Revue

4/28/2022 1:55:14 PM

Bryon, I did'nt know that.

Thanks for the info. I mixed the fact that you can remove your stations and your own tracks with what I thought any artist could do.

I hope William does'nt ask admin. to remove his page. (I don't think he will - like I said he's waiting while we keep trucking the jungle of IMP - there's a storm and it will be over,


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Bryon Tosoff

4/28/2022 2:39:48 PM

not to worry, just something I found out and did so and asked Scott to do it and Scott said are y ou sure and I said yup.

I dont count this upload situation as a storm, more like a ship on the sea, stuck in some horse latitudes

when that happened this was the result

"Usually the skipper lowered the longboat, and the crew simply towed the ship by rowing it through the horse latitudes."

So in reality, we are drifting , looking for a rescue of sorts, stuck and going nowhere frankly. So, not a storm, just the opposite, we just in a lull,stagnant situation and a long one at that. will we make it out soon, yet to be seen

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The Rhythm Kings

4/28/2022 7:43:51 PM

All, and Everyone.

IMP aid too important to jump ship. Just sayin’ you have to believe. Music is something we all believe in. Our own music. We are all different. But we are all bothers and sisters in music. We create sound. Pleasing sound and stories of what…. Well what makes us …. Us. They are OUR stories. EaCh unique. But they are ours…. Scott pours his life blood into this unselfishly. Please for the love of god do not DIS the man for his efforts. I believe in IMP. Always have. None of us may ever “Make it Big”. But there is a chance… with Hope . Faith. Love…. We must pool our collective energy towards the positive.

I believe in IMP
I believe in Scott
I Believe in the foundation laid by Neil
I believe in all of you…

I believe in tomorrow….. after all….. Tomorrow is all we got…..

I feel a new song coming…..

All I’ll say is this….

Together we are Strong … and have hope and grace…

Divided and in disbelief…. We are already defeated….

I choose to be Victorious….. Do you?

Peace and Love….

Bruce Robert Johnson
The Rhythm Kings….

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Bryon Tosoff

4/30/2022 10:55:10 AM

IMPNATION is NOT dead, just as a brain fart happening like some of our dumb ass leaders , dysfunction bigtime,. man the videos of the dude running the US is embarrassing,yolk of the century but we have our own tyrant.here in Kan na Doh

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Psyche's Muse

5/1/2022 3:32:01 AM

Hope like hell that this place ain't goin' down! Haven't uploaded any "music" in awhile so THAT hasn't been a problem for me. The main thing that I truly "regret" is that all of the UPLOAD DATES on the songs have been "randomized" and are now "inaccurate". Also, rearranging the songs on my artist page(which I tend to do religiously) has become much more of a "chore" as well. Hope we can keep this site up and running though. Amen unto all the faithful here! -M-

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