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1/21/2016 9:36:42 AM


Basic (free) Member



1/21/2016 9:36:42 AM

I'm new to this place and still trying to figure it out but I guess I should introduce myself. Not sure if this the place to do it or not but anyways....
Name is Johan from that small country way up north know as Sweden.
I make music under the name of Jambrains which is a one-man-show where I handle everything myself from writing the song, performing it, recording, mixing and all the way to trying to keep jambrains.com and my other social media in decent shape. Mainly a guitar player but I find my way around a few other instruments as well. In other words, I do many things but I am not really good at anything :-)
That will do for now, some more info is on my artist page and some more music is on my soundcloud page. Will upload more songs here in due time but I don't want to flood this place so I'll take it slow.


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Bryon Tosoff

1/21/2016 9:39:58 AM

welcome, you and your band make great music Johan

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1/21/2016 9:41:24 AM


Oh Flood Away...

It's a Big Sturdy Place,
and We Welcome The New Music.

Rock On, Friend.


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1/21/2016 9:52:59 AM

Hi Johan, welcome to the party.

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1/21/2016 11:33:31 AM

Hei Johan, you sound perfect for this site, don't worry about 'flooding' the site with your music, there's room for all you got. This is one of the best sites that have no restriction on uploading.... but we could do with a few more people to flood The Pipeline here :)

You're most welcome - Jillianne

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1/21/2016 11:34:46 AM

Welcome Johan, good music, good introduction. Feel free to chime in on any of the various discussions. and if you have questions about anything post them here and we'll take a shot at them.

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Two Silo Complex

1/21/2016 2:43:44 PM

Hey Johan,
Serveral of us her are one man/woman productions. Most of my stuff is except for a couple old songs that I did with a full band back in the 90's

I'll give your tune you posted a spin. Stop by my way if you have the time.

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1/22/2016 11:30:15 AM

Just listened to your latest Johan. Great vocal, most distinctive and plenty of good lyrics too.

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1/22/2016 12:30:04 PM

Thanks for the warm welcome! This place looks nothing like any place I've seen before but I'll figure it out eventually ;-)

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Two Silo Complex

1/22/2016 12:33:39 PM

Don't try and figure it out it will hurt your head.
Go with the flow or against it whatever floats your boat
On here just about anything goes and where it stops only Bluto knows.

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1/22/2016 12:37:34 PM


you saying "This place looks nothing like any place I've seen before" is one of the nicest things anyone's ever said about us. :)

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Donna Devine

1/22/2016 12:47:05 PM

Hi Johan.

I know you from the Muse site. Good to see you here. :)


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Two Silo Complex

1/22/2016 1:29:16 PM

Hi Johan.

I see your getting around and on the review channel I'll give your tune on there a spin when I get a chance.
Welcome to the madness.

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Psyche's Muse

7/29/2024 6:16:29 AM

Wow! "Behind Closed Doors"! Wonderful Lyrics! Great Song! -M-

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Psyche's Muse

7/29/2024 6:21:46 AM

Wow! Behind Closed Doors! Wonderful Lyrics! Great Song! -M-

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