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Shawn Adam Williams
1/20/2023 7:23:23 PM
Let Me Address You
I'm gonna address the issue: Yesterday, the nominations for the 2023 FCPM Awards, and my name wasn't there. I'm so miserably mad now that everyone got more than me. That's not right. Last night, some of my family called me an c***khead. Other internet, local, and independent radio stations won't play my recent hits; Keep On The Fire and Underdog. That's why I'm falling off. All they want to do is to turn their backs on me. Am I good enough? Am I giving up?
1/21/2023 3:42:24 PM
Shawn, just take it in stride, man. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Just don't let it get to you like this. Sometimes you just have to realize that listeners have changing tastes. It doesn't mean they don't like your music anymore. It just means they found something new that they dig. I make a point of constantly seeking new music to listen to. My advice to you? Be a fan first. If you can do that, music will (almost) always be fun.
Shawn Adam Williams
1/22/2023 2:13:20 AM
Wait! There's more. Someone is turning my back on me. That's why I came up in this independent music industry, and someone trying to blame me. As matter of fact, I started this progression of my musical journey. I gotta confess to that situation I'm in. But that ain't right for what I'm been through.
The Rhythm Kings
1/22/2023 10:49:53 PM
Shawn….. Buddy..
Laree is just stating what we all have been through. Life ain’t fair man. That’s the game. Now…. You gonna cry and say the man’s keepin me down? Or. Will you rise up and face the devil head on? We make our own destiny. You, make your own tomorrow. No one controls you. You are your own master. To mold what is uniquely you. You cannot blame others. We all must take ownership for our today, and tomorrow. That’s what it means to be human. I m blunt. I am course. But in your heart you know I am right. I’ve been where you are at. It’s easy to blame others, feel like you have been betrayed. Loard knows I d like RCA to go to hell. But what good would that do. You are young yet . Don’t squander it . Be you. Don’t chase the Trends . Make your music. Let the world catch up. You got talent. Know it. Do not force it. Be you…
Lessons from an Old Man.
Be Well,
Do Well,
Be You:…
Peace, Breathe, center yourself,
Chandra Moon
1/23/2023 1:22:48 PM
Shawn - if I took pity on myself everytime my music got ignored I'd have given up years and years ago!!! Just keep on going - the whole point is we're INDEPENDENT which means we care much less what other people think and have faith in ourselves and our creativity. Of course it's wonderful if once in a blue moon someone notices and enjoys our stuff - hurray - it's a great feeling - but you have to keep the faith for yourself......
1/23/2023 5:43:46 PM
Hey, Shawn. What Bruce said. I'm not turning my back. I'm on your side. That is why I was trying to give you some advice. You don't need to let it get to you like this. As long as you believe in your music and your fan base digs your music, you are all good man!
1/24/2023 1:50:35 AM
A very important person who was once in my life use to say "Just Keep Living". Unfortunately, he died. But he always prefaced it (just keep living) with a life event. He would say "if you never had a hit record" Just keep living, and you will get there. Or, if you never got your heart broke, just keep living and its going to happen. To him everything would happen to us if we just kept living long enough for it to happen,. So, we all gotta face our own fate, be it good or bad it is coming. So to you I say, so you didn't win this time, just keep living, you will et there again. The thing about the winners circle is that there are only a few winning spots but millions of worthy contestants. You will win a few and lose a lot. People always talk about all the shit I have won but no one talks about all the shit i lost. They don;t know about it because i don;t talk much about it. The fact is that despite the 53music industry awards and contests I have won. There are hundreds more that I competed in and lost. I never took it personal like someone has it out for me,. I just said to myself "Self? Just keep living", you will get there! I doubt that anyone is truly out to get you Shawn. I think you may be just a touch sensitive about your music. Nothing wrong with that, we all are. I have learned to take my losses as gracefully as possible. I know that one fact of life is that someone has to win and someone has to lose. When I lose i don;t blame others. I look closer at myself and say maybe I can do better. Then, I use that pursuit as inspiration towards creating my next big winner. One helpful thing to do is to look back at the songs you wrote that became winners and try to identify what it was that made them win. Then, try to repilcate that formula on your next project. Another thing you can do is to diversify your approach delving into other genres and styles. Just throwing out some suggestions that may or may not help you to win again. Be careful not to imprint victimization on your psyche. You are not a victim. You are a winner. Act like it! Just keep living.
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