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Contemplating Waves
Views for this Topic: 181

6/6/2024 7:48:43 PM
For Your 2024 Golden Kayak Nominations Considerations

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Contemplating Waves

6/6/2024 7:48:43 PM

For Your 2024 Golden Kayak Nominations Considerations
We thank you for listening to us this year, and we appreciate all the station adds Have a fantastic Summer!

For your 2024 Golden Kayak consideration in the Progressive Classic Rock category

Waiting For the Sunrise (alt. mix 3)

Contemplating Waves is:
Larree - Vocals and Guitars; Russ Foreman - Guitars, Bass, Backup Vocals; Chuck Hippert - Drums

Lyrics and Music by Larree
© 2024


For your 2024 Golden Kayak consideration in the Acid Jazz category

Ya Ya No

Contemplating Waves is:
Larree - Rhythm Guitar; Russ Foreman - Lead Guitars, Bass; Chuck Hippert - Drums

Music by Contemplating Waves
© 2024


For your 2024 Golden Kayak consideration in the Progressive Rock category

Fantasy part 3: Racing Through the Himalayas

Contemplating Waves is:
Larree - Rhythm Guitar; Russ Foreman - Lead Guitars, Bass, Synthesizers; Chuck Hippert - Drums

Music by Contemplating Waves
© 2024


Oh, and we can't forget Larree's solo release!

For your 2024 Golden Kayak consideration in the Rock category!

Probably Never Always Will

Larree - Vocals and Guitars; Russ Foreman - Guitars, Bass, Backup Vocals, and Drum tracks.
Written by Dean Sottile (lyrics) and Larree (music)
© 2024


And don't forget to nominate Larree for 2024 Station Manager of the Year!


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Bob Elliott

6/24/2024 3:26:05 PM

Probably Never Always Will-

Nice recording. I like that tremolo guitar part a lot.

I'm not violent, but I wanna kill

good line.

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6/24/2024 3:52:24 PM

Thank you for listening, Bob. Glad you dug it.

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