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Views for this Topic: 153

8/17/2024 8:23:06 AM
We need new stations and new station managers

8/14/2024 7:56:47 AM
ok the trophies are on your pages and you've been enshrined on the GK Wall of Fame!

8/2/2024 5:08:23 PM
ok! 2024 IAIA Golden Kayak Awards Show and Show Thread

8/1/2024 1:35:22 AM
Awards Show almost done

7/20/2024 6:35:24 AM
Voting is done, awards show coming fairly soon

7/12/2024 7:27:44 PM
OK, here's the 2024 Golden Kayaks Ballot!

7/10/2024 9:02:14 PM
update on 2024 Golden Kayaks

6/19/2024 8:59:13 PM
extending the GK nominations one more week..

5/24/2024 11:08:11 AM
The site's 20th anniversary is on May 28th, anybody got any cool ideas what we can do to celebrate?

5/10/2024 8:17:12 AM
Deadline for entries to this year's Golden Kayaks is May 30th.

2/23/2024 7:34:43 AM
How to embed youtube videos for the pipeline.

2/15/2024 6:26:31 AM
Important Announcement - Please Read!

1/20/2024 2:42:12 AM
Maintenance Announcement - Everybody please read!

11/19/2023 3:49:59 PM
I have an idea I'd like to run by you all..

8/29/2023 4:54:14 PM
new artists are coming on the site

7/29/2023 3:38:18 PM
ok the Golden Kayaks are on your pages and the GK Wall of Fame has been updated

7/14/2023 2:16:06 AM
Official 2023 IAIA Golden Kayak Awards Thread (includes the show)

6/30/2023 3:48:40 AM
well I just had an unfortunate thing


Basic (free) Member



8/1/2024 1:35:22 AM

Awards Show almost done
coming Friday at the latest, possibly late tomorrow night. I recorded all the segments, just got to assemble.

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8/1/2024 11:26:54 AM

Dude...I can't imagine how much love you have for this site. You have created one of the Top Tier Music Platforms on the Internet and it has Perservered for so many Years. It is a Collection of some of the Best Indie Artists that have Ever existed or played/sung a note on tha Planet. What more could some poor Drifter looking for some Great Unknown Music ask for than IMP? Seriously.

Kudos to You and All who are connected/involved for all the Work you put into it. Job WELL Done, Brother.

Thank You!!

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8/1/2024 11:55:27 AM

Much appreciated Seismo, especially the part about 'some of the Best Indie Artists that have Ever existed or played/sung a note on tha Planet'. That is so true. In fact, the last new mainstream act I thought was great was Nirvana and they were in the early 1990s. Pretty much every act I've loved in this current century is an indie. I remember weeks I was doing the Kayak Big 25 show that the whole chart sounded like a best of the 70s pop chart. All the best songwriters now are indie. and we got some acts like Francesca and Monicka and Steve Ison and Azwel to name a few who if they had come around when the music business was a real thing would be as well known as Joni Mitchell and James Taylor.

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8/1/2024 12:43:48 PM ---- Updated 8/1/2024 12:43:48 PM

What Seismo said! Much love, Scott, on behalf of all of us!

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The Rhythm Kings

8/1/2024 1:03:30 PM

Well Done Seismo! I second all That!



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Shawn Adam Williams

8/1/2024 1:40:15 PM

Way to go! Congrats to the nominees!

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