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James Stanley Howen
Views for this Topic: 578

7/18/2024 3:59:37 PM
2024 Kayak awards

4/6/2022 10:44:11 AM
Fixing Tech problems completed when?

3/23/2022 10:10:03 AM
Fixing IMP?


IAC Prime Member


James Stanley Howen

4/6/2022 10:44:11 AM

Fixing Tech problems completed when?
Just wondering when the technical issues will be gone?

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Bryon Tosoff

4/6/2022 11:48:36 AM

I am not tech, nor do I do much around here except lurk, although I do know there is something happening,some angels are hovering around here waving magic wands and blowing kisses of lucky charms lol

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4/6/2022 2:34:39 PM

Who is driving this bus?

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4/6/2022 2:35:00 PM

Who is driving this bus?

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Bryon Tosoff

4/6/2022 2:45:05 PM

obvious there is no one driving the bus and has not been for some time. it is like remote control by a few different operators vying to be the driver and sending conflicting signals,, will the real bus driver please stand up please stand up . NO YES

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Desperado Revue

4/6/2022 4:21:49 PM

That's the way OC Transpo operates here in Ottawa.


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4/6/2022 4:30:19 PM

I found all of my stuff on Hungama without my knowledge. Takes vpn and breaking US firewalls to gain access. It is part of a big Bollywood media corp in India. Copywright and intellectual property theft between these big Corps globally is a "diplomatic issue" according to my attorney. My browser warned me imp site was insecure, but did not care as money is not my issue, but principals certainly are.

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Bryon Tosoff

4/6/2022 4:47:57 PM

yes, I agree with you Lance on this issue you mentioned in regards to intellectual property theft, it is rampant far beyond india, Russia music sites or organizations are ripping musicians off and many other companies that dont give a pitch of you know what. It is unfortunate

anyways, I could go on. but enough ,I have a lot of work to do, and it aint music.

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4/6/2022 8:08:04 PM

ok, I only read this thread because I received a complaint that lancechancelance's post above would potentially hurt the site, discourage people from joining us.

That may or not be true but this is exactly why we have had a rule not to discuss support issues on the pipeline. More below on that. First let me try to get into the "secure site" discussion.

I first got the complaint about Chrome showing us as a not secure site years ago. I looked into it then and was told by a consultant that for our purposes, since we don't use credit cards for music sales, that we might as well go without purchasing the SSL certificate that is needed to turn our site from http to https (that's what you need for the site not to show up as Not Secure). The certificate for the site along with the installation of such is pricey. I was also told that in regard to personal information, even with the certificate, any hacker worth his salt could get in anyway. So we took his advice and decided not to purchase.

As for the site fix, I'm doing everything I can as tekkie whisperer to make that happen as soon as possible. The uniqueness of our homemade indie site with its original and diverse features makes it very tricky to do a software changeover like we did, and special code is in the process of being written to solve the upload issue.

on to the last thing I want to mention, we are all suffering greatly with this episode (the ones who have songs to upload more than others). This is why I decided to tell Bluto to back off on moderating the pipeline, figuring for as long as this problem goes for, at least folks can get their yayas out, yanno? But, the second we are back up with uploads, that is going to end with a thud. I will then require Bluto to smash those rulebreaking threads and posts like a fascist. If he doesn't stay on top of that he will not be moderator anymore. I understand that lancechancelance is relatively new to the pipeline but seeing the way some of the longtime community members behave even though you know it's against the rules has made me angry at times and has reminded me why these rules are as they are, that goes for political threads too. The pipeline free-for-all will be over soon.

I'm quite sure me saying this will piss some of you off. I know some of you already dislike me, and a few probably hope I died. :D I put the survival of the site above what any 10 people's wishes are or I wouldn't be here in this function right now, it certainly isn't bringing me a lot of pleasure of late.

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Bryon Tosoff

4/6/2022 9:17:11 PM

cant wait to continue to be me

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4/6/2022 11:41:36 PM

Please don't get me wrong, and you are correct that hacking and abuse occurs everywhere and I did not intend to break any rules. I was complaining about the Hungama site, with the frustration we all feel with the understandable delays involved with necessary updates. I know you are sensitive to these issues, any comments made etc. but please accept my apologies for breaking any rules, and I certainly do not intend to offend anyone involved here. It's simply hopes built up and dashed concerning this site, NOT the intentions by bad actors like Hungama. I have been here since 2006 by invite, and have appreciated and used it more and more to post stuff ever since for the very reasons you point out. Again, my apologies for any misunderstanding of what you may have perceived.

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4/7/2022 12:50:02 AM

well as I said you weren't included in that chastisement so no apology needed. You were only following the example of several folks who have all been here over 10 years.

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Bryon Tosoff

4/7/2022 9:53:51 AM ---- Updated 4/7/2022 3:57:58 PM


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4/7/2022 1:50:33 PM


At a go.


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Bryon Tosoff

4/7/2022 2:21:57 PM

you are not Bluto, ya wimp. go back to eastern canada lol

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Paul groover

4/9/2022 11:41:08 PM

I don't think moaning will fix anything Scott is doing the best joab he can. This site is a one off. The hardest thing is trying to repeat what you did in past. As you get older the less you can actually do. Even though you think different

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James Stanley Howen

4/10/2022 9:08:31 AM

Who is moaning? I must have missed the moan! I have no tech experience so I was just asking for an update. I have been here since Neil w Young invited me to join in either 2005 or 2006 I am not sure (IAC). I have seen problems resolved here in the past and I remain optimistic that this present problem will be resolved at some point in time. I just was asking if there has been any updated info on when.

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Bryon Tosoff

4/10/2022 10:41:38 AM

maybe it will get fixed soon . lots of IT experts in this world ,reach out, get it done

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