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10/24/2008 12:46:29 PM
Whole lotta Bitching Going On?
We joined this site 1 year ago, and I thought I was back
in 1967!
1 year later I detect moaning & groaning so....
Does that answer any questions???

Hugh Hamilton
10/24/2008 1:09:05 PM
Very cool song, and woefully neglected by station-masters...I'm glad to have previously added it to one of my stations...
Rock on, Colin, have a great weekend...
10/24/2008 1:25:08 PM
Suddenly, the post on my page makes sense. I'm a bit slow and stupid. It's sad really.
You guys playing round Brighton any time soon ?

10/24/2008 6:45:44 PM
Hey Hugo ------(Frustration)
we found it first!!! --------------"Dubyas last stand"
Or did we?

10/25/2008 3:13:18 PM
Like your thinking Guy's & Gal's!

Jo Ellen
10/25/2008 3:32:41 PM
Hi guys! I will have to have a listen and such. :-) I'm feeling less crabby already.

11/14/2008 1:38:03 PM
OK - Time to make a stand! Who let all the bad acid in???
Trolls, Alter Ego's, Politicians take note: We are here for the Spirit of R&R!
The CODE says:
On Top of The SHITPile!

Andy Broad
11/14/2008 1:54:00 PM
Here! Here!

Conversation Suicide
11/15/2008 12:27:10 AM
YEAAHHH ! the code'll set things straight --- a good listen to NA NA NA, FRUSTRATION or What I HATE -- will ALWAYS bring up your spirits & kill the hangover from the bad acid.
Anjuli-- Their playin' in OXFORD on DEC. 6th -- why don't ya cum down there? Princezzz & I and Colin & The CODE will be chillin', hopefully with a few pints before they're bitchin' gig...
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