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Richard Scotti
1/6/2017 6:10:39 AM
---- Updated 1/23/2017 8:18:24 AM
Work In Progress (new link)
This is a song that I posted a few months ago but at the time it didn't have lyrics hence the title: Work In Progress. Now it's no longer a work in progress but I thought the title would be good inspiration for lyrics so here is the finished version, vocals and all. Hope you like my rockin' side.

The Rhythm Kings
1/6/2017 5:21:26 PM
STRAIGHT UP ROCK! Well, done sir! How can you not wanna get up and Dance to that! Great vocal! I love the way you tastefully play the guitar chops with the vocals! The Keys are spot on. It's everything a rock song should be.
All my Best Richard, Bruce

Duane Flock
1/8/2017 10:11:23 AM
Great Job Richard (as usual!). Harp is a nice touch.
Good Rock Material and well played.

Richard Scotti
1/21/2017 12:57:16 PM
---- Updated 1/21/2017 12:58:19 PM
Thank u, Bruce and Duane. It's not easy for me to get reviewed these days.

1/22/2017 8:55:45 PM
Love the treatments on the drums and vocals. I also liked that harp in there. That's some good harmonica playing! Organ is perfect. Guitar is awesome. Everything works here. Way to take a title and build a whole song around it. Really good bridge also. One of the challenges my professor in college would give us was to write a few words on the board and then give us 30 minutes to write a song about it. You took your time and made this gem shine like a diamond.
You Rock!

Richard Scotti
1/23/2017 8:18:03 AM
---- Updated 1/23/2017 8:20:11 AM
Thanks a bunch, Stoneman. The earlier versions of this song were a hot mess but I didn't want to give up on it. It was a mixing nightmare that seemed like it would never end but I wouldn't give up until I got it right. Thanks again for your support!
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