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Richard Scotti
6/21/2016 4:08:35 PM
---- Updated 6/21/2016 4:08:55 PM
the link didn't work previously, NOW IT WORKS!
Listen to this instrumental and create your own movie in your mind's eye.

The Rhythm Kings
6/21/2016 4:30:42 PM
Richard, a great piece of work! Outstanding! I can definitely see the hero riding off into the sunset. Yes, with the girl! Great melodic hook. And love the way you play off the horns. Tempo is spot on. Driving. Purposeful.
If there was sound track for a big hero type movie this is it
Best, Kings

Richard Scotti
6/21/2016 5:04:57 PM
That's a great compliment coming from one of the Kings of Rhythm!
Thank you so much, my friend!! I guess I'll have to write the movie you imagined!!!

6/22/2016 10:27:48 AM
Fantastic intro. I like the way that you give minute hints of what is coming but manage to maintain the secret until it is best to be revealed. I also like that understated lead guitar in the background. It sets the mood and subliminally causes one to rock out. I have been listening to your music for many years now and you always seems to bring out something new that really surprises me. Your musical acumen and virsatility stands out here as the level that we all hope to reach some day.
Awesome Work Bro.!
Much Respect,

Richard Scotti
6/22/2016 11:43:02 AM
Thank you, Stoneman. That means a lot to me coming from such a master maestro. I'm honored just to be playing in the same ballpark as you. We each have our special gifts and we learn so much from each other. For me, that's what it's all about. The only levels I care about are the ones on the mixing board.
A little trivia: "Ray Charles once said: The best way to mix is just make every track go as loud as possible without distorting!

6/24/2016 1:39:34 PM
Hahahahaha I like that quote. And, in many ways, it sort of rings true. Thank you for your kind words about my musicianship. Keep blessing us with your fine music my friend!
Much Respect,
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