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Richard Scotti
6/24/2016 4:40:45 PM
This Is Not Goodbye

6/25/2016 8:03:47 AM
I would say it's a good song, though maybe not as surprising as some of your other tracks. The vocals have a Tom Waits-ish charm, I think. And the instrumentation, though not all that original pattern-wise, does come together toward a nice soundscape, which in turn supports the telling of the song's story/message very well. All in all, I enjoyed listening.
the wannabe song expert

Richard Scotti
6/25/2016 10:57:34 AM
---- Updated 6/25/2016 4:06:25 PM
Thank you!
Yes, I tend to go through phases with my writing especially when I have access to particular singers. I knew that Nick Holmes was moving to the Bahamas to stay and and since his voice represents one of my favorite styles of music which is that Dylan/Waits thing, I wrote a bunch of songs for him to sing on. When I went through my Beatle phase and had access to all the guys who played in the show: Beatlemania, I wrote a bunch of songs for them to sing on. But in general my latest material which is still in production is no longer focusing so much on paying homage to Dylan or The Beatles. They still show some of those influences including those of the Rolling Stones but much less derivative and more original with singers who don't sound like the icons mentioned. Those days are over for me. I've paid sufficient homage to my heroes. My new stuff will be VERY surprising, if not to others, than definitely to me! I didn't know I had it in me, until now. When I listen to my new stuff I have to revert to Urkel's catch phrase: "Did I do that??"

6/25/2016 12:39:29 PM
Cool! Nothing against paying homage, of course. To be honest, when songwriting sometimes I feel like I actually try a little too hard to avoid reflecting my influences. I agree about the surprising yourself thing though. Those sort of unexpected moments as a songwriter are a lot of what keeps me going.
6/26/2016 10:05:50 PM
A very listenable song, Dylan would be proud. Pretty faultless and no criticisms from me except the organ sounded synthy but I hardly noticed after a while.. The magical element was the piano (right side) I'd like to have heard more of that.

The Rhythm Kings
6/30/2016 10:26:07 AM
Richard, One word.... Outstanding! Love your vocal. In addition to Dylan, I hear the Boss doing this also.
All my best, Bruce

Richard Scotti
7/12/2016 1:57:46 PM
Interesting! I can substitute a sax for the harmonica!
All my best, Bob

Richard Scotti
7/12/2016 3:37:40 PM
Thank you CTWitt2 and Jaws!
I appreciate your insights and your support.

7/17/2016 10:25:51 PM
Great opening. Awesome lyrics! Very nostalgic movement in this song. Excellent musicianship and songwriting. This should be on the radio right now. Real music for real music lovers!
Much Respect

Chandra Moon
7/18/2016 12:17:43 PM
Really enjoyed listening to this track - thanks.

Richard Scotti
7/18/2016 4:33:47 PM
---- Updated 7/18/2016 4:39:48 PM
Thank you so much, Stoneman and Chandra for those wonderful words of support. I have to confess that lyrics don't come very easily to me but this song was written in one wave from beginning to end with no edits or changes. I wrote it when I was in the hospital with a kidney stone and it felt like I was dying. I bonded with my hospital room mate and he was having a much worse time than me because unlike me, he was actually dying. I wrote this song from his point of view and imagined what I would say to my wife if I was the one dying. Truth be told, I have no idea how those lyrics just popped into my head. Maybe it was that morphine drip?? ;-)

Chandra Moon
7/19/2016 5:35:12 AM
So often the best songs come quickly out of a profound moment and the songs that take forever to write don't always resonate the same as the ones that come from the sudden pure bit of inspiration!

7/24/2016 5:05:23 PM
Catchy Dylan-esque for sure.
Ride it for all you can get... But not just your vocal this is something he could've wrote or maybe even Tom Waites.
Enjoyed it!
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