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9/12/2017 12:12:17 PM
SJW's... lulz

8/22/2017 8:38:21 AM
Raise Act... Yea or Nay

8/18/2017 9:27:52 AM
So the Left now disowns Venezuela?

7/18/2017 8:21:29 AM
Name names...

6/25/2017 9:14:41 AM
One of my Fav YT channels is getting CENSORED!!!

6/24/2017 6:18:13 PM
Something else the liberals like to Champion these days... the pay gap.

5/10/2017 1:31:59 PM
Busted... Fake news

4/29/2017 4:23:01 PM
Coffee Consumers United....

4/26/2017 9:05:38 AM
Hey Bernie Fans... Tell me how the $15.00 an hour minimum wage is suppose to work...

4/19/2017 9:23:47 AM
Canada you Liberal Pansies...


Basic (free) Member



4/19/2017 9:23:47 AM

Canada you Liberal Pansies...
Shame on you... you are no longer part of Western Civilization!


We need another wall... ;-)

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Holo Lukaloa

4/20/2017 2:54:36 AM

Is this all facetious or are you pro-islamophobia?

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4/20/2017 8:14:34 AM ---- Updated 4/20/2017 8:24:58 AM

I oppose any M'ther-Faqing Religion that oppresses women and kills people for being gay or deciding they no longer want to be part of said religion. But most important I oppose any religion or Government that wants to tell me what i can say. Be careful not to offend the Islamic Snowflakes up North... Canada is now the largest safe-space in the world!

IMO religions are the Motherload of bad ideas!
The seer says... "I see Sharia in your future!"

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4/20/2017 1:07:52 PM

I am with Jeff. Fuck sharia law.

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Father Time

4/21/2017 4:00:33 AM

Is that what he's saying, then? :)

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Bryon Tosoff

4/25/2017 6:36:45 PM

Like to clarify something here. now take it how you want to. This is a pet project of left leaning open door to refugees policy maker, prime minister justin trudeau and his liberal party, the majority of Canadians are not with this platform, yes it stinks, to parlay this through and plow it through parliament was an unacceptable move and gives special rights to a minority religious group. I hate that it was done. And many of us in Canada are appalled by this new law, Now they have been given special privileges these Islams. What other religious organization has this special and significant treatment , none . it blows, big time, like his father former PM Pierre Elliott Trudeau in the 70s was of similar mindset and changed the landscape of Canada with his policies. one thing though that he did right when there were bombings and kidnappings in Quebec in the 70's was putting down the terrorist group the FLQ and used the war measures act which he personally implemented because of the circumstances brought on by Terrorist activists in Quebec. the Front de libération du Québec. Now it was the only way to resolve the situation so Martial law was declared and civil rights were suspended. For more info about this situation you can check it out on the FLQ and October Crisis that ensued. yes we have had organizations here within our own country try to change things through violence. My concern is by giving special dispensation to the Islam group , we just may have opened pandora's box and these outsiders could worm their way into our government, and do more damage by changing more laws to benefit their people. Yes the changing landscape of America. the US and Canada,. it is a reality I detest

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4/25/2017 6:59:58 PM

Thanks for responding Bryon... it was a bit of a troll action to see if anyone here thought this was ok...
I'm glad to hear there is an opposition to this. I think it's dangerous in so many ways and if it grows... will be difficult to ever undo it.
Bad ideas are just that... bad. And they should be open to criticism regardless of the faith or politics that brings them. ;-)
Probably why there is growing support in reformation...
Things are moving so fast in the world yet some live in the iron age of beliefs.

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Bryon Tosoff

4/25/2017 7:04:32 PM ---- Updated 4/25/2017 7:07:52 PM

As for refugees. I am all for it, as long as they are vetted properly and dont slip through the cracks and bring problems, terrorist activities and kill and bomb our peoples as this ISIS group has, who knows what has been planted in our country and the USA ,look at England, France other countries, its nuts out there. a dangerous world indeed Canada has been a nation that has been good to people of all race creeds and colour . My concern though is giving special privileges to a specific people because our PM is an opportunist and wants to look good, all optics folks. politicians are that way. hang on to power any which way they can, if it is paying special favors , then they do, political opportunists are like weather vanes, changing like the wind and however they can manipulate something to benefit their cause , they do it. Every country has its demons and no one has been free of doing things for themselves. former presidents , almost everyone of them work things to their favor. the same here and everywhere.

The refugee situation
yes, help the refugees. immigrants. people with no land of their own fleeing the ravages of war. We have let in a lot of displaced peoples, Syrians and many others who have seen the ugliness of war and its destruction of their homeland, and the death of their family members. so the past year has been a banner year for Canada to help those that need a new country to build a new life. that I applaud.

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5/3/2017 8:22:47 AM

Bryon have you seen this...


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Bryon Tosoff

5/3/2017 10:53:29 AM

I have on occasion followed that redneck channel. some good things, but they all have their own agenda, there are issues though with our system. something is out of whack here in canuck land Jeff. strange and wonderful times, will check that one out though

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5/4/2017 3:16:58 AM

We need another wall? Hell, they haven't built the first one yet and it is beginning to sound like it won't get built at all. Werll, at least we know it is not in the budget. Anyway, It's Canada man. They can do whatever they please. I don't care. It's their country. Refugees have to go somewhere. I have never been to Canada but I know some really cool Canadians. We (USA) could certainly learn a few things from them. People who are displaced need help. Thank Goodness someone is willing to help them. I stand firmly against Sharia Law though. That stuff sucks ass man.

Much Respect,

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Bryon Tosoff

5/5/2017 11:33:13 AM

Jeff, listening watching now. and reading this wow, thanks for this, well we are being duped more special privileges for Muslims. pretty sad how this is being done and I find it egregious

Muslims are getting special treatment and a pass, posting to FB, asinine

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5/8/2017 4:57:55 PM

No Holo diversion calling it fake news?
Or calling me a Islamafallopian ;-)

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Bryon Tosoff

5/8/2017 5:06:53 PM

its real, i am appalled , I do watch this program online , although sometimes they can get pretty radical. right wingers, but this, this was an eye opener

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5/8/2017 6:49:10 PM


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Bryon Tosoff

5/8/2017 6:58:45 PM ---- Updated 5/8/2017 7:02:22 PM

ya oh oh

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Bryon Tosoff

5/8/2017 7:00:42 PM ---- Updated 5/8/2017 7:02:46 PM

things are changing

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5/8/2017 7:02:48 PM

well this is what I will say about this here.

"condemning Islamaphobia"

how the fuck does one make a law, against fear,
put there, by crazy people who behead you
if you so much as draw the wrong idiot in your newspaper?

oh sure... we're the crazy ones...

even trying that, only makes the pendulum swing a wider arc...
you'll see, that'll solve nothing, it'll make shit worse.

What Would Jesus Do?

I have no idea...

"Dad, I fucking give up, Blow This Shit Sky High, Dude"

now, that, I admit it, is a guess.

I'm a NYer.

I have seen some shit, Folks.

I welcome the whole human race,
and it all lives here, everybody from every land...

and some wear the stuff where you can't see
their face and whatnot,
and okay, you wanna be owned by your men, go for it,
doesn't sound like a party to me, but I ain't gotta do it...

it's just illogical though, to think you can pass a law,
a freakin' law, outlawing fear?

Oh that smacks of 'bad idea'.

You hold it back, or try to, instead of just letting a sane dialogue
go on, or attempt to have one...

oh man, we're fucked. that's all there is to it.

We're in the last days, that's my guess.

Of course, that's just my opinion,
I could be wrong...

and I don't wanna get in a freakin' flame war with anybody, so there, I said that too.

I'm Liberal in some ways, I'm conservative in others, I suppose.

I don't see at all any logic in this though,

how do you outlaw a fear?

Is it just me, or does that sound just plain stupid?

Yeah we're fucked. Nighty night schnooky ookems...

that'd be my guess...

Oh Jesus....

Come On DOWN!

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5/8/2017 7:07:59 PM


I have to agree,
"Sharia Law" has no place whatsoever in Western Civilization.
And because of that fact,
Islamic Extremists, call us all, Infidels,
and want to kill us all...

their BOOK says 'kill the infidels',

I ain't so liberal I'm happy about that one, Folks.
Yeah, it SAYS that, in their 'bible', 'The Quran.

Did you know that?

Oh but, now in Canada, the law of the land is,
'you can't be scared of any of that?'

Now I have to quote Frank Zappa.
It's come to that..

Oh no I don't believe it.

you say with your love you can change
all of the fools
all of the hate
I think you're probably out to lunch....


George says
'it only works if everyone does it, and that clearly isn't the case'

John said,

"yeah we're fucked".

I want pie. I just want some fucking pie. Can I have some fucking pie please?

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5/8/2017 9:33:44 PM

Add to it Liberals all around (not all) the world believe allowing these changes is fine and dandy and just another part of acceptance into the multicultural dream world of utopia where we all just get along.

If you were to create a religion today you might use some of the major brands out there as a starting point but you probably would leave some of that iron age chit off the pages this go around.
There are some bad ideas garnering strength... or maybe just future vote(r)s

Islam needs to change and reform it's spaghetti book like the Christians did. 1/5th of the worlds population believes drawing Mohamed is criminal... maybe not all but when you're talking 2 billion people even 10% is a big number.
That's some overly sensitive chit in the 21st century.
But then... I'm an atheist so none of this stuff is sacred to me.

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5/9/2017 8:36:27 AM

Always always always interesting talking with you, Jeff.

And I don't hold it against you, what with you being an atheist and all...

Ironically, I've been put in your path, so I can tell you, oh, yeah,
I'm pretty darn sure there is one. You know. The Chairman, The Boss,
God Almighty... I'm pretty darn sure, because my whole life
has been directly involved to serving the Creator,
it's God that gave me my talent, and God that drove me to develop it.

And we all ask, I have too don't worry,
"so why do you let all this awful stuff happen?"

God, gave us all Free Will.

It may be that He regretted that decision soon as it was pronounced,
but that's basically it. We all have Free Will,
including that ten percent out there, who are complete waccadoos
to the rest of us. But are probably normal to themselves....

I have asked, God, 'why did you give us Free Will if this could happen?'

His answer, was surprisingly simple;

"because I wanted friends, and you can't have friends, if they're pre-programmed,
because then all you have, is yourself talking back to yourself,
may sound convenient, but no, it quickly and immediately becomes a
complete mockery, and you'd rather just sit by yourself at that point."

Well I understood it anyway,

by making us free,

we get to decide,

and it's sad, that some of us on Earth,
really believe, all this crazy cruel shit,

is at all petitioning the favor of the Lord.
It isn't. I'm quite of the mind it disgusts Him.

So, they won't get into the 'preferred place' anyway...

they'll get into a place, resembling what they think, is normal.

In other words, they end up in Hell, and won't even know it.

I just now, asked God,

"Lord, what about Jeff."

He said,

"I like Jeff! You know just where you stand with the guy.
Put up or shut up. I can work with that!"

Yeah, I know.
I'm weird.

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5/9/2017 8:40:27 AM

Okay, all that was about God...

not much addressing Liberals...

Look, I'm a Liberal,

I consider myself that, in a lot of ways, more than
I consider myself a Conservative,
because 'to conserve' well, I do try to conserve everything,
since I ain't got much of it... but what denying the gender challenged
the same rights to marry as heterosexuals have, I don't see
what the heck that is 'conserving' except prejudice.

And, calling the basic right to be cared for 'a thing not to be an entitlement',

well, then that does not make America much of a family, now does it?

Family, looks out for one another.

I don't by any means possess all the answers,
but now and then, I ask some decent questions.

And we all, need to ask, some decent questions. That's what I think.

God Bless and Love You All,

especially the atheists,

Lord, do the peek-a-boo thing with them, as you have with me.

He likes peek-a-boo.

He's actually quite young, you'd be surprised.

It seems old to us, time is different for God.

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5/9/2017 8:42:43 AM


so what about you is Conservative then really?

Well, I struggle with it.

I have the same feelings as any Conservative has, and doesn't speak of.

"Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out",
you think I have never thought that? I have thought that, believe me.

I am human, I don't have all the answers,
I may ask a decent question sometimes.

Other times, maybe not so much.

We may be in the End Days.
This also has occurred to me.

And if so, my guess is,
it will be because God decides "oh these assholes are just impossible. Boom."

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5/9/2017 9:22:17 AM

I appreciate your words ALJ.. you are a man of faith... I respect that.
You have someone to answer to... He has given you a path and an exit plan. Ok...

Faith exists because there are no facts to support the belief... Absence of facts doesn't make something true.. contrary to religion.
But hey... I go in peace. ;-)

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5/9/2017 10:26:02 AM

Hey Jeff. And Peace Be With You Too My Friend!

I do not think it's the atheists that God has issue with.
I think it's the screwballs blowing themselves and lots of innocent
people up in suicide vests, and the jerkoffs stealing a truck
and then ramming a crowd full of unsuspecting innocent souls,
and they think they do it in His Name.
These, are the people, that need to worry, when the day comes.

Like I said, God knows us all, our hearts, where we're at.
There is no fooling God.

I think God is quite okay with you, and all atheists,

since you folks tend to believe what you see,
and one day, see Him we all will.

Until then,
it's all this mess.

Oh well...

The biggest mistake and I say this AS a Liberal,
the biggest mistake Liberals make
to bring it back full circle to topic,

is not thinking things through enough.

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5/9/2017 11:54:42 AM

Problem is they're doing what they believe their god wants them to do as well...
Maybe we can conjure up Zeus to mediate a cease fire between today's gods.

I find the divide today to be so wide there is no more middle ground for conversation... And it's not just the Liberals, the Right is pretty messed up as well. They just aren't screaming and calling everyone a racist that doesn't agree with them.

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5/9/2017 12:34:44 PM

Well, Jeff, yeah, I see exactly what you mean, I think I do.
I pretty much see it the same way...

the divide, gets bigger and bigger,

they say "God is Love",
which, to me, strikes the basic chord, the ring of truth...

and yet, there are all kinds of nut jobs,
here, there, everywhere,

left wing, right wing, sand wing,

it's like,

it's like somebody,
turned up the volume on the 'crazy' knob...

so, I am guessing,

one way or another,

be it by the Hand of God,
be it by the commotion of growing human insanity,

the movie is kind of wrapping up.

That would be my guess.

I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time.


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5/9/2017 4:24:45 PM

Apologist who blame cartoonists for drawing Mohamed as if they warranted their own deaths are as sic as the murderers... why would anyone be supportive of a faith that allows this kind of behavior?

The average woman in Afghanistan lives to ripe ol age of 44... women have a 12% literacy rate under the Taliban and sharia law.
Then there's the genital mutilation, one of the highest maternal mortality rates for both the infants and mothers...
And one of the highest fertility rates... you want to see what full bang Sharia is all about get yourself a oneway ticket to midnight kabulstyle...

Don't believe me go to the source...
Ayaan Hirsi Ali Human Rights Activist...check her out there are plenty of YT videos on her.
She lived it and got the hell out of it...


Holo you should watch it most of all... then you can call her the Queen of Islamaphobia...

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5/31/2017 11:07:52 AM

Bryon this is for you... not the dreggs here. lol!!
Free Speech Bitches!!
Finally got around to watching it... I'm guessing you know who Jordan is... he fought the good fight!

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Bryon Tosoff

5/31/2017 11:41:51 AM

Stunning Profound and very well presented. as well as disturbing

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Neil w Young

6/1/2017 5:42:34 PM ---- Updated 6/1/2017 5:44:50 PM

I am inclined to remain at a judicious distance from Pipeline blogs, political or otherwise, rather than be seen as an active participant. In this instance, I will put aside my stated position.

As a lifelong and proud Canadian with strong Scottish and English roots, like many others in Canada I am greatly concerned about the direction being taken by those in power in our nation.

Having said that, and in light of the subject of JeffH’s blog, and with his permission, I would like to share with you an article from 2016 that was sent to me several weeks ago. It is lengthy, but well worth the reading.

You can read it below or Google the title and read variations of it online.

Subject: Switzerland - What is in a handshake?

Sometimes it's the little things that are most telling. In Switzerland it has long been customary for students to shake the hands of their teachers at the beginning and end of the school day. It's a sign of solidarity and mutual respect between teacher and pupil, one that is thought to encourage the right classroom atmosphere.

Justice Minister Simonetta Sommaruga recently felt compelled to further explain that shaking hands was part of Swiss culture and daily life. And the reason she felt compelled to speak out about the handshake is that two Muslim brothers, aged 14 and 15, who have lived in Switzerland for several years (and thus are familiar with its mores), in the town of Therwil, near Basel, refused to shake the hands of their teacher, a woman, because, they claimed, this would violate Muslim teachings that contact with the opposite sex is allowed only with family members.

At first the school authorities decided to avoid trouble, and initially granted the boys an exemption from having to shake the hand of any female teacher. But an uproar followed, as Mayor Reto Wolf explained to the BBC: "the community was unhappy with the decision taken by the school. In our culture and in our way of communication a handshake is normal and sends out respect for the other person, and this has to be brought [home] to the children in school."

Therwil's Educational Department reversed the school's decision, explaining in a statement on May 25 that the school's exemption was lifted because "the public interest with respect to equality between men and women and the integration of foreigners significantly outweighs the freedom of religion." It added that a teacher has the right to demand a handshake. Furthermore, if the students refused to shake hands again "the sanctions called for by law will be applied," which included a possible fine of up to 5,000 dollars.

This uproar in Switzerland, where many people were enraged at the original exemption granted to the Muslim boys, did not end after that exemption was itself overturned by the local Educational Department. The Swiss understood quite clearly that this was more than a little quarrel over handshakes; it was a fight over whether the Swiss would be masters in their own house, or whether they would be forced to yield, by the granting of special treatment, to the Islamic view of the proper relations between the sexes. It is one battle – small but to the Swiss significant – between o'erweening Muslim immigrants and the indigenous Swiss.

Naturally, once the exemption was withdrawn, all hell broke loose among Muslims in Switzerland. The Islamic Central Council of Switzerland, instead of yielding quietly to the Swiss decision to uphold the handshaking custom, criticized the ruling in hysterical terms, claiming that the enforcement of the handshaking is "totalitarian" (!) because its intent is to "forbid religious people from meeting their obligations to God." That, of course, was never the "intent" of the long-standing handshaking custom, which was a nearly-universal custom in Switzerland, and in schools had to do only with encouraging the right classroom atmosphere of mutual respect between instructor and pupil, of which the handshake was one aspect.

The Swiss formulation of the problem – weighing competing claims — will be familiar to Americans versed in Constitutional adjudication. In this case "the public interest with respect to equality" of the sexes and the "integration of foreigners" (who are expected to adopt Swiss ways, not force the Swiss to exempt them from some of those ways) were weighed against the "religious obligations to God" of Muslims, and the former interests found to outweigh the latter.

What this case shows is that even at the smallest and seemingly inconsequential level, Muslims are challenging the laws and customs of the Infidels among whom they have been allowed to settle [i.e., stealth jihad toward sharia dominance].

Each little victory, or defeat, will determine whether Muslims will truly integrate into a Western society or, instead, refashion that society to meet Muslim requirements.

The handshake has been upheld and, what's more, a stiff fine now will be imposed on those who continue to refuse to shake hands with a female teacher. This is a heartening sign of non-surrender by the Swiss. But the challenges of the Muslims within Europe to the laws and customs of the indigenes have no logical end and will not stop. And the greater the number of Muslims allowed to settle in Europe, the stronger and more frequent their challenges will be. They are attempting not to integrate, but rather to create, for now, a second, parallel society,and eventually, through sheer force of numbers from both migration and by outbreeding the Infidels, to fashion not a parallel society but one society — now dominated by Muslim [sharia].

The Swiss handshaking dispute has received some, but not enough, press attention. Presumably, it's deemed too inconsequential a matter to bother with. But the Swiss know better. And so should we.

There's an old Scottish saying that in one variant reads: "Many a little makes a mickle." That is, the accumulation of many little things leads to one big thing. That's what's happening in Europe today. This was one victory for the side of sanity. There will need to be a great many more.

This needs circulation far and wide.

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6/1/2017 6:54:22 PM

It's nice to see Neil break his neutral stance, truly it is. And I for one appreciate his viewpoint as expressed in this parable.

I think all this could be more universally applied, though.

It's religion, as it's expressed worldwide, that has become a problem in every area in today's world. In previous days, religion could be a very positive force. It could teach us how to get along. "Do unto others as you would have done to you" and similar teachings. This was a social positive, at least as a goal, whether completely realized or not. This type of dictum is not so much respected by humans today. Dictums of religion are more used to justify our own selfish interests nowadays, and not to contradict them.

Religion is defined as one's relationship with God, mostly today. Sure, there are variants, defining religion in various human-cosmic ways, but this is mostly it.

If there is a universal God, who has created us all, and who has power over all of us, of course we should acquiesce to whatever He wants of us. To do otherwise, is to be condemned by a Creator who has infinite power over us. Who'd do that? Who could suppose they know better than their God?

The problem lies in how to know what God wants. Various human groups insist He wants THIS or THAT. If you are a member of one of these groups, how could you do otherwise than to do what you believe God wants you to do, if you are trying to live by what you believe your creator wants?

Can you, as a Christian, condemn a Muslim for trying to adhere to what they believe to be God's dictums?

Most of the world's believers in one religion or another are what is condemned in the Christian religion as, "lukewarm". They do not adhere 100% to what their supposed religion requires of them. Religion is a matter of convenience, and of what society you have the fortune or misfortune to be born into. It is more important to most to "do the right thing" which may not jibe with what their official religion teaches. In these cases, the intelligent person is more likely to simply "do what is right" according to his intenal compass rather than what he is expected by his religion to do.

It is sad. Very sad, that many people do what is right by their religion, but what, by their internal compass, and their innate humanity, do the wrong thing, as judged by what is the best course for their fellow humans (something which is enshrined by those dictums such as the Christian, "Do as you would wish to be done to you".

So, the upshot. Should you, having been ingrained to do what your religion teaches you that God would have you do, adulterate that? If so, you must not be trying very hard to do what God has told you to do, mustn't you?

Or is is it that you should not excuse them for doing what they do because you are certain that the proper way is to adhere to the Christian Religion, simply because you know that is right?

Should we act as the agnostics do? Should we act as atheists do? Should we ignore formal teachings and act simply by what we know as humans must be right?

This is the dilemma. Most people act as they believe to be right. Whatever that is.

Perhaps the right thing to do is to ignore what formalizes human behavior, and to act how we know is right, simply by human empathy.

If so, we must acknowledge that the religions formalized so far are ALL lacking.

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6/1/2017 7:41:21 PM ---- Updated 6/1/2017 7:59:02 PM

You can bring whatever you like to the table as far I'm concerned... and I appreciate what you posted.

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6/1/2017 7:48:13 PM

Whatever, you suckup.

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6/1/2017 7:58:23 PM

Great points LD...
My biggest concern is where we're heading as a world when you have one major religion that feels the laws they are to abide by come from it's scriptures and not the country they reside in.
Growing populations to take over local and state governments seems to be the course.
This is where I divide away from Liberals... they seem hell bent on making this happen.
The new world where France is no longer a french speaking country... sounds crazy but as the number grow who will rule the land?
The numbers...
Religion is the most evil man-made chit this world has ever seen...
Today it's the Muslims but in the past everyone of these stinking Faiths have killed millions of innocent people in the name of their Gawd!
Just an awful thing... imo of course.;-)

Except for the Jaines they vow non-violence, truth, no stealing, celibacy or chastity and non-attachment
They are vegetarians so as to avoid harm to animals and their life cycles.
Some even wear masks over their mouths so they don't accidentally eat a bug... lulz

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6/2/2017 9:17:49 AM

But wait there's more...

the wife called the police on him because he was making noise while shoveling snow... lulz
Could you make up crazier chit than what's going today?
Would be a challenge.

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Neil w Young

6/3/2017 12:11:27 AM

Instances such as reported in the “Sharia Fines Come to Canada - Help John,” video in Jeff’s post above, are happening all too often across our country. It is an alarming and worrisome matter.

I posted the 'Switzerland – What is in a handshake?' report because I believe it cuts to the chase of what the western world is facing. I applaud the Swiss for their “non-surrender” stand.

That 'old Scottish saying' at the end of the said 'Switzerland' report should be heeded before it is too late.

Unfortunately, the powers that be don’t seem to see it coming, but coming it surely is everywhere in the western world if it isn’t stopped in its tracks.

I said my piece, now back to my “neutral stance” as LyinDan so aptly named it.


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Father Time

6/3/2017 7:24:42 AM

None of the liberals I know in several discussion groups are railing about this topic, to use it as an example of how stupid liberals are seems like a big fraud. The liberals I know are interested in when Trump is going to be gone and all related Russia scandal items, women's rights, and the environment.

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6/3/2017 9:57:44 AM

Thank goodness there are still heroes left in this world, heroes who still care, and I mean real heroes..., like you.


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6/3/2017 4:39:56 PM ---- Updated 6/3/2017 4:41:01 PM

"None of the liberals I know in several discussion groups are railing about this topic, to use it as an example of how stupid liberals are seems like a big fraud. The liberals I know are interested in when Trump is going to be gone and all related Russia scandal items, women's rights, and the environment."

Well... it's topics like this that you find old school liberals abandoning ship...

You should avoid the whole immigration problem thingy... it's not a good look when you get into the details of it..
Look at the leadership around the world and you see these changes happening wherever Libs are in charge.
You guys act as if it's criminal to want to vet someone coming into the country... or to ENFORCE the LAW that's already on the books. or to be concerned with not being able to find any records on someone or who they say they're from...
Where do you draw the line with lawlessness... (let me guess with the POTUS)
It's like Liberals want all of the world to experience first hand what it's like to live in a third world country.... no thanks.
Do you know who Linda Sarsour is?
One fine leader you picked for the Women's rights movement and march...
So how does that apply to this topic?
She wants Sharia Law to be part of the American way... she's promoting Sharia Law to American women through lies.
Why not tell her to get the fuck away from your party... Do you want Sharia law here has she convinced you you'll get interest free loans? lulz that's actually part of her speech to sell it to us...

My doctor says "Blue pills distort your eyesight".

You and your birds keep your heads in the sand as chit hits the fan and find a way to blame someone else for all these liberal jack-wagons faqing up the world!

Or talk Trump all you want... you've got more than a few threads started maybe someone will chime in and help your cause.

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Holo Lukaloa

6/3/2017 10:15:23 PM

Reads to me like an utterly manufactured issue, like the New Black Panther Party.

immigration policies matter, like when dreamers or families that have lived here 15 years, paid taxes and committed no crimes get tossed.

Jeff it seems like you're only concerned with horseshit.

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6/4/2017 5:44:06 AM

Holo.., during the Obama terms there were more deportations than any other president in history and we didn't even hear a peep about that from both the mainstream media and also.., well..., yourself for that matter.

So why were you a willing collaborater under President Obama but now are so supposedly incensed because it appears that Trump is still carrying out the Obama agenda on immigration?

Inquiring minds would like to know..

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6/4/2017 9:56:16 AM

If no crime was committed they wouldn't be deported... there is a legal system in place to protect even the lawbreakers. And there are many Liberal Activists Lawyers taking on these cases to protect the illegals. Plenty of Liberal Judges throughout the land will protect your cause.
Again work to change the laws if they don't meet your Shangri-La but you don't get to pick and choose which ones should be followed.

I'm wondering if the people in the UK this morning think all of this is Horseshit... Can't wait to read the spin on how this is not Islamic Terrorism or it's just some isolated incident. The Clinton-Comedy News Network should be gold this morning...

Oh...Tinfoil hats and Blue pills are on sale today at the Dollar store.

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Father Time

6/4/2017 11:30:44 AM

You've fallen for the fear program, when in reality more people die by infants with guns or falling in their bathtub.

As for Obama's deportations, that's right, he did deport a lot. He wanted to get immigration reform and they told him first he must control the borders and he mostly did that. But what ICE has done, throwing out great American families and some dreamers is far more extreme, c',mon.

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6/4/2017 11:57:55 AM

So you're comparing accidental deaths with someone bent on killing innocent kids at a concert or some chums out on a Saturday night out for a few brews... yeah that's liberal-logic for you.
Last I checked there's no Bath Quada or Infant ISIS trying to inflict harm on innocent folks.

You can come up with a thousand ways people die unintentionally... all day all night but only a Lib would blow it off like that's the same thing as what we're seeing happening right before our eyes.
Sorry man I know you're way smarter than that...
I don't fear them...
I don't believe bullets are the only way to fix this problem like Bush or Drones like Obama but I don't think you ignore it and act like attack after attack is no big deal and will just go away on it;s own... just because more people die by falling in a bathtub?

Law is the Law...
Now if the ones deporting break it... ok I'll be on your side regarding that. But until then don't break the law.
If Hillary or Bernie were President we'd probably have open borders so everyone can travel free in and out of our country... see how that works for your security and economy.
We can become an everyday burning man... wouldn't that be the ideal way... but ISIS would still want to kill you or conform you to Allah...

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Holo Lukaloa

6/4/2017 1:51:45 PM

It's disproportionate. 7 people die by one of these attacks and for 24 hours that's all the news is about. Meanwhile how many people die daily of starvation around the world.

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6/4/2017 2:40:25 PM

You tell us Holo.. How many people die of starvation every day in this world?

And what do you intend to do about it?

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Holo Lukaloa

6/4/2017 3:12:05 PM

18000 die daily. I'd take some of that wall money and handle the problem.

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6/4/2017 4:37:58 PM

Exactly how???


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Holo Lukaloa

6/4/2017 8:03:58 PM

Buy food, give them food.

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6/4/2017 11:06:45 PM

What a brilliant and well thought out response.

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6/5/2017 7:57:13 AM

You want to start a hunger thread... then do so.
Trying to divert this topic to avoid the topic shows how weak you really are... if you don't agree with it have something substantial to refute it. But just pulling chit out of the air to try and stifle it makes you like you haven't a clue... or have already lost the argument.
Maybe both in your case..
Why bother... we already know.

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6/5/2017 9:45:47 AM

Ok Holo.., so you buy them food, how do you plan on getting it there?

And let's say they need a place to defecate and piss outside the sewer they're living in.

How do you plan on addressing that problem?

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6/6/2017 6:46:16 PM

I don't know how many die of hunger everyday... if you want to discuss that start a thread on it.
This thread has been about how a religion is infiltrating laws around the world and the multicultural dreamers think there is no harm in any of it.

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6/6/2017 6:46:54 PM ---- Updated 6/6/2017 6:48:54 PM

Lulz... I guess I did start this thread.
Thanks B!

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6/6/2017 7:20:53 PM

The one that evaporated was by King Canuck.

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6/22/2017 8:00:28 PM

Well, I believe that everyone should have the right to believe whatever they want to believe and worship whatever God they want to worship. However, I do not believe they should have the right to impose their belief system on others. That is where I draw the line.Sharia Law? Not in our (USA) future! Ever! But, I didn't believe that someone like Trump could ever be elected here and I was soooooooo wrong. Hope I am not wrong again! Jeesh, this world is so fucked up these days. Go figure!

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Father Time

6/22/2017 9:31:01 PM

I just noticed that Jeff seems to have bought the troll's angle that I am Holo. I wonder if you'd also agree with his vantage point that ritalin destroyed the world. That's somebody who did a concept album as a tribute to Heather McCartney! :D

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