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Ruthy Ann Mandell is fearless in the pursuit of justice, as an artist, and as a criminal defense attorney.

Always a poet, she has recently moved from a fierce expression of social outrage and passion through rap and into her deeper and softer side as a songwriter/singer of dance and trance music. She continues to do her best to repair the world.

Key of Light was born of the revelation that even in the "death" of a supernova , the energy of its explosion creates an even larger supernova. Thus can we begin anew in the wake of 5770 years of tragedy , to make this world a shining example of peace.

Half of the proceeds from the sales of “key of light” go to Kulanu to educate and feed Jews, Muslims and Christians in Uganda

Trying to help Seeds Of Peace!
Please listen to my music for free or buy it for me and charity (18% proceeds go 2 bene kids/veterans/animals/special olympics/smile train and more 4 a better world 2 come)

Key of Light
"...a perfect fusion of electronic synthesized disco sound, galvanizing and emphatic piano accents, powerful and soaring gorgeous vocals, great lyrics, catchy hook, awesome guitar solo...all complete with RuthyAnn's enthusiasm and us...the 'collective ecstasy' of disco..."
Read more of this review by KIAC's The A & R Guy!

New Age

Never Be Far
"Profound lyrics and poetry, beautiful and inspirational vocals, spellbinding story and consummate production and arrangement – a brilliant and exceptional performance."
Read more of this review by KIAC's The A & R Guy!


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8/27/2010 4:18:36 PM
Thank you so much for your add to the station. An awesome station by the way, just as your music is! I will be looking to see when you put more music out. Your songs are great!

Steve April

2/18/2010 3:55:36 PM
Hi RuthyAnn,

2nd the emotion from silverwood...

welcome to "Moods For All Seasons," rawk...


2/16/2010 4:41:43 PM

Hi there RuthyAnn

big hug for the addshoutbox not working for us so

RuthyAnn -ewe rock-we are loving this station well done!!


2/10/2010 3:21:30 PM

Hi Ruthy

found your message-and liked the vidCan you make the embed code available so I can put it on IAC vids on U-Tube station??

love Rob


2/8/2010 8:53:21 PM
WOW! Law and music, is there anything you can't do? You have a very nice voice. Good luck with your music career.


1/18/2010 3:10:05 PM

Really enjoying this tune,adding to Warriors for Change station

thanks for the inspired lyric


fly on the wall

12/20/2009 7:12:25 PM
That's nice, Ruthy, but what I was more concerned about when I posted that was that you came to the pipeline and were making interesting posts and it disappointed me that you posted something so canned when I was hoping you continued the stimulating banter. :~D


11/17/2009 8:41:01 AM
Great Lyrics, Great Music, Beautiful


11/14/2009 7:43:13 PM
RuthieAnn, I love your track, and your video on MySpace.


Susan Raven

11/12/2009 3:57:08 AM
Enjoyed reading your posts on the pipeline, enjoyed your music too! Keep shining, keep happy - happiness is a key element to survival in these times of great change in our world!
Peace be with you,
Susan and Satch

Lars Mars

11/10/2009 8:12:08 AM

Wow RuthyAnn! Key of Light is just great! Thanks for posting on the Pipeline and bringing yourself to my attention. Welcome to IAC.




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Last logged in: 4/17/2013 12:33:27 PM         Pageviews:  98257
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to Floating Island station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to De Clock is Ticking station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to THE BRIGHT SIDE OF THINGS station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to WARRIORS FOR CHANGE station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to New Dimension Radio station!
* Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to New Dimension Radio station!
* Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to ^^Moods For All Seasons^^ station!
* Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to Mystery Radio station!
* Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to ^^Moods For All Seasons^^ station!
* Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to THE ART GALLERY station!
* Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to Oh Boy station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to eclectic station!
* Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to Pop station!
* Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to Calling All Angels station!
* Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to Wide Angle station!
* Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to Raymond Lee Berlekamp station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to MR. MOONLIGHT station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to KenyonMusic station!
* Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to KenyonMusic station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to Extra! station!
* Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to This Just In station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to Nathan's Picks station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to Hi Ho Steverino station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to Render Unto Little Caesar station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to Heavy Rotation station!
* Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to Newwwwwwwww! station!
* Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to Over The Moon station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to Hard Alternative station!
* Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to The Wondering Minstrels station!
* Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to Five Gems station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to Radio Jones station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to Auf der gleichen Wellenlänge station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to Calling All Angels station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to SILVERWOODS TOP 50 station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to FAME & GLORY station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to Outside the Bachs station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to This Just In station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to LEGENDARY MUSIC II station!
* Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to LEGENDARY MUSIC station!
* Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to Over The Moon That Was station!
* Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to Forest of Azure station!
IAC Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to SPARKLERS station!
IAC Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to SPARKLERS station!
IMP Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to DEMOISELLES station!
IMP Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to DEMOISELLES station!
IMP Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to RELAX FM - A Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Key of Light' has just been added to LITE station!
IMP Your song 'Never Be Far' has just been added to Dj Bruh station!
Name       Link
Msg  Go!

Ruthy has an artist site here:
follow her on twitter here
Over The Moon Two
Dj Bruh
RELAX FM - a Desperado Revue station
Beyond the Blue Event Horizon
Outside the Bachs
DEMOISELLES FM - a Desperado Revue stn
LITE FM - a Desperado Revue station
Extra! Archive
The Wondering Minstrels
Mystery Too
This Just In II
Forest of Azure
Calling All Angels
Heavy Rotation Archive
De Clock is Ticking
Hi Ho Steverino
^^Moods For All Seasons^^
New Dimension Radio

Station Links
New Dimension Radio   CHeck out Ruthy's station with some of her and her favorite artist's music.
Heavy Rotation  
This Just In  
Islesworth   soo proud to be amongst all this truly groovin' talent here on isleworth - mucho gracias estaban- tu eres muy amable y brillante! sinceramente- ruthyita
^^Moods For All Seasons^^   wow- thank u so much again steve- now i know my song is good if its on this station with these others
De Clock is Ticking  
^^Moods For All Seasons^^  
Oh Boy  
WARRIORS FOR CHANGE   Thank you so much for adding my song "Key of Light"
Page Links
RuthyAnnMandell   Thank you so very much - I am deeply moved and honored that "key of light" has been added amongst such venerable talent giving wings to my dreams of peace for "fun together makes us ONE together". sincerely- ruthyann mandell
Lars Mars   music that really takes you there
Rachel Fuller and Pete Townshend  
Steve April  

8/26/2024 10:39:40 AM
Last pageview at: 3/12/2025 8:47:51 AM
Pageviews: 98257
