
Some Say
Some Say - Natural Law - Holworks - 2024 - all rights reserved

Pop Rock

Bone Dry
Summer swelter seizes sky and ground, . . bone dry.

Alternative Rock

Who Was It
Who Was It? (Who Put The Pork Into The Beans)

Pop Rock

They're building in the Brickyard


Wait for her. Wait for her, . . paramour

Pop Rock

Turn Out the Lights
Turn Out the Lights - Carolina Blue - Holworks Music - 2023

Alternative Pop Rock

Weight of the World
Can you feel the weight of the world?

Alternative Pop Rock

Monday, See You There
Monday, See You There - Under the Stars - Holworks Music - 2023 all rights reserved

Country Pop

There's a Chance
Hello IMP - Holworks Music provides wholesome original music to be enjoyed by anyone for a lifetime. Enjoy songs never heard on a radio yet viable stories that relate to life. *****************************************

Country Pop



Rainbow to Your Heart
Rainbow to Your Heart - Tombstone Chronicles II - Holworks Music 2024

Blue Eyed Soul

All That You Do
All That You Do - Tombstone Chronicles II - Holworks Music - 2024 all rights reserved


Oh Isis
Oh Isis - Tombstone Chronicles II - Holworks Music - 2024 all rights reserved

Pop Rock

Blueprint Designer

Alternative Modern Rock

Spot On Delivery
From the album Tombstone Chronicles, our first one together as a team. Thanks Joey!


Tombstone Chronicles
Tombstone Chronicles - Life After Death

Alternative Pop

420 Girl
420 Girl - Carolina Commons - Holworks Music - all rights reserved

Alternative Pop Rock

Raise Your Arms
Raise Your Arms, a reggae reflection to capture the Fort Fisher Civil War engagements or the Ukranian invasion, a vivid encapsulation of impending doom.


What You Wanted
What You Wanted might tell it all eh?

Alternative Blues

Meet Me on Facebook
Meet Me on Facebook is redone from my 2009 recording. . .whew!


She Chose Me
She Chose Me, Music did

Pop Rock

Great Beyond
Great Beyond - Sea of Green - Holworks - 2023 - Holworks Music all rights reserved


When Will I See You Again?

Soft Rock

Peanuts - Sea of Green - Holworks - 2023 - Holworks Music - all rights reserved

Jazz Fusion

I Must Be Dreaming


Is It Too Late?
In love, out of love song, . .

Alternative Rock

Why? - Sea of Green

Jazz Pop

From the new Holworks album, Sea of Green, Lollipop has a place in greenscaping.

Pop Rock

Accessories - Sea of Green - Holworks - 2023 - Holworks Music - all rights reserved

Alternative Modern Rock

DMD Compact Disc Online
I stepped into my DreamLyfe for a time in 2018. Songs erupted when I listened to music I found on a creative commons site called Audio Blocks. I used the music from folks all over the world to write, records, and sing the words to the story the notes manifested.

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4/21/2023 12:58:46 PM
The songs are playing, this site is jamming, and I welcome flavor starved ears who just may enjoy words sung in harbor horn. I make dogs howl, well at least that is what my neighbors tell me. Wow, 2023. . . !

Neil w Young

1/8/2020 7:58:11 PM
Congratulations, Mark, on your Golden Kayak nomination.

Good luck and best wishes in the year ahead.


Psyche's Muse

1/3/2019 10:05:10 AM
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Golden Kayak Award Nomination! -M-

Psyche's Muse

11/28/2018 12:03:45 AM
Road Dust!!! Fine as shit man! Love listening to your stuff! Thanks for posting it here! -M-

Desperado Revue

9/4/2018 3:07:52 PM
Good news,

The songs are all playing when I stream my stations.

However, they won't play if you try to play them individually.


Desperado Revue

9/4/2018 11:57:49 AM
Hey Mark.

Just read your message on my page. No, do not remove any of your songs.

However, I did notice that yesterday, a new entry appeared on the New Songs section on the front page of IMP, "Holworths Introduction ". That is when the problem started if that can help you with your dealings with IMP Support.


Psyche's Muse

8/30/2018 1:25:50 PM
BTW- read your remarks below... have said a prayer for you... May God Bless! You! And "ALL" That You Do! Amen!

Psyche's Muse

8/30/2018 1:23:17 PM
Thank You! ...for posting your wonderful music here. It has been a pleasure(yet once again) listening to it. =M=

Neil w Young

8/20/2018 1:20:40 AM
Thank you for stopping by my page, Mark, and for your most kind words. That I would be so honoured and be seen as one who inspires you, truly is humbling.

It is great to see the well-deserved recognition being given to you and your music of late on the site. As a long-time member of IAC/IMP, and that you have stood the test of time, speaks highly of you and your music.

My thanks to you too for being a special part of our artist community, and for the part you play in breathing life and hope into the dream.


Steve April

7/12/2018 10:35:16 PM
You've got a "sleeping giant" quality to your songs, that seems to come with a kind of divine inflow, or inspiration, that I dig/have affinities with.

Dreamlife on...


Psyche's Muse

7/8/2018 7:18:59 PM
Yes! You DO!... "Color" the "Air" that is... just like a rainbow! Great work my friend! Great Work! -M-

Psyche's Muse

7/8/2018 6:46:54 PM
Parable! Great Song! Not sure why, but it keeps bringin' tears to my eyes! -M-

Jerry Butler Country

9/4/2009 6:48:59 AM
Mark, hows it going? Haven't written in awhile.Been busy remodeling the Kitchen.
I see you are still cranking out those great songs. Stop by and listen to "Message To My Mother".
Keep it going Bro.
Your Friend
Jerry Butler Country


9/3/2009 2:46:35 AM

That's interesting I see "Swift Water " grabbed someone elses attention too great melodic lead and song that demands feet tapping-

Of course this is not the first visit, but you put a smile on my face!


Neil w Young

9/2/2009 5:04:25 AM
Hi Mark,

Thanks for coming by my page and for your nice words about my Johnny Cash tribute song - much appreciated!!

Nice to see you still singing your heart out. Hey, I know how life can get in the way. Still my friend, music is one of life's true pleasures. Glad you're loving doing it!! As for there still being "such a long way to go", we're all climbing Music Mountain - I'm having so much fun I don't think about "getting there", I'm just living and loving the journey day after day.

I'm doing okay thanks and hope you are as well.

Best wishes always. Happy trails.




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Last logged in: 7/26/2024 5:41:23 AM         Pageviews:  91450
IMP Your song 'Turn Out the Lights' has just been added to BRAND FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Turn Out the Lights' has just been added to SNAP FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Turn Out the Lights' has just been added to MARQUEE FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Weight of the World' has just been added to Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 4 station!
IMP Your song 'Weight of the World' has just been added to BRAND FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Weight of the World' has just been added to SNAP FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Weight of the World' has just been added to MARQUEE FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Weight of the World' has just been added to Musings station!
IMP Your song 'Weight of the World' has just been added to CHAOS! CURBS! CURSES! ... ... ... station!
IMP Your song 'Tombstone Chronicles' has just been added to Musings station!
IMP Your song 'Turn Out the Lights' has just been added to CHAOS! CURBS! CURSES! ... ... ... station!
IMP Your song 'Turn Out the Lights' has just been added to Poe poe whittle me station!
IMP Your song 'Monday, See You There' has just been added to Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 5 station!
IMP Your song 'Monday, See You There' has just been added to BRAND FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Monday, See You There' has just been added to MARQUEE FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Monday, See You There' has just been added to HONKY FM - a Desperado Revue Station station!
IMP Your song 'There's a Chance' has just been added to Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 5 station!
IMP Your song 'There's a Chance' has just been added to LABEL FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'There's a Chance' has just been added to MARQUEE FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'There's a Chance' has just been added to SPIN FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Migration' has just been added to Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 6 station!
IMP Your song 'Migration' has just been added to GRIT FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Migration' has just been added to LABEL FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Migration' has just been added to MARQUEE FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Rainbow to Your Heart' has just been added to Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 6 station!
IMP Your song 'Rainbow to Your Heart' has just been added to LABEL FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Rainbow to Your Heart' has just been added to MARQUEE FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Rainbow to Your Heart' has just been added to ROLL FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Rainbow to Your Heart' has just been added to RAVEN station!
IMP Your song 'All That You Do' has just been added to Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 6 station!
IMP Your song 'All That You Do' has just been added to LABEL FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'All That You Do' has just been added to MARQUEE FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'All That You Do' has just been added to SPIN FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Oh Isis' has just been added to Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 6 station!
IMP Your song 'Oh Isis' has just been added to LABEL FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Oh Isis' has just been added to MARQUEE FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Oh Isis' has just been added to SPIN FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Blueprint Designer' has just been added to Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 7 station!
IMP Your song 'Blueprint Designer' has just been added to LABEL FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Blueprint Designer' has just been added to MARQUEE FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Blueprint Designer' has just been added to MOD FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Some Say' has just been added to Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 7 station!
IMP Your song 'Some Say' has just been added to LABEL FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Some Say' has just been added to GRIT FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Some Say' has just been added to MARQUEE FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Bone Dry ' has just been added to 2024 Golden Kayak Award Nominees station!
IMP Your song 'Accessories' has just been added to 2024 Golden Kayak Award Nominees station!
IMP Your song 'Blueprint Designer' has just been added to 2024 Golden Kayak Award Nominees station!
IMP Your song 'Paramour' has just been added to 2024 Golden Kayak Award Nominees station!
IMP Your song 'Rainbow to Your Heart' has just been added to 2024 Golden Kayak Award Nominees station!
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Msg  Go!

July 2022 is when a music wall crumpled for me. I cannot even describe the depression that followed by having to remove all my songs using Audio Blocks music from the Internet. 28 million plays from multiple platforms and multiple tracks. It has been difficult to see that vanish like the fog in San Diego..

Determined not to let it all go to waste, I set 28 poems on my FB page as my Tombstone Chronicles. I met Joey Okrie in October through another friend who was worried about me. Joey looked at the poems and decided to make music for one of them. When Will I See You Again is the result. I posted it here.

Since that song was recorded, I had Joey do a Blues track for me, standard in E. I sang my words Cast Iron Heart to it. Just have to have a blues song.

Spot On Delivery is a fresh syllable note exchange interwoven in the sonic tapestry of Joey's fresh escalating soundscape. Unbridled ecstasy can be a hurricane when there is love, spot on delivery!

What would an album entitled Tombstone Chronicles be without a song to outline what is next for all of us. Great Beyond came to me simply because I did not change the title from the music Joey sent to me. I thought about it as I listened to the track for the first time. I made notes and the chorus slid in the corner like an infamous slider. Great Beyond is a lifetime hereafter adventure for sure.

Peanuts, Joey's music made me feel as if I am being wheeled into an I.C.U. room on a gurney and all I can smell is peanuts. I do hear the past baseball memory vividly through the hospital sounds. Was it possible they were purposely broadcasting that special baseball game from when I was a kid? How was that possible? Could that memory remain there dormant, deep in my mind to finally be jettisoned by my death? I could see the windows and the trees there, peanuts in Jazz pjs.

Global Warming is a story in itself. Even though we had written a few songs together, my relationship with Joey and his wife was still in its global warming infancy. They sent the music to me thinking there is no way I could write and sing words to it. I laughed when they told me that as the story just came to me. Global Warming is really about someone who is very warm blooded and can make cover heat rise. I'll Al Gore it and credit global warming to mean exactly what it means, Inertia's Thighs!

Pulse Eternal Radio
Voyage to the Bottom of the Charts
Apocalypse Radio
MARQUEE FM - a Desperado Revue station
Poe poe whittle me
MOD FM - a Desperado Revue station
Moody, Cool, Psychotic, and Mesmerizing
GLOBE FM - a Desperado Revue station
ROLL FM - a Desperado Revue station
Indie sound of America and beyond
Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 1
Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 2
Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 4
Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 5
Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 6
2024 Golden Kayak Award Nominees
Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 7
GEM FM - a Desperado Revue station
BIJOU FM - a Desperado Revue station
RIFF FM - a Desperado Revue station
SLICE FM - a Desperado Revue station
SOLID FM - a Desperado Revue station
2023 Golden Kayak Award Nominees
BRAND FM - a Desperado Revue station
STAMP FM - a Desperado Revue station
OTHER FM - a Desperado Revue station
Your Love is Like a Pizza
SNAP FM - a Desperado Revue station
SPIN FM - a Desperado Revue station
Roaring Twenties 2.0
SLAB FM - a Desperado Revue station
America Destroyed... (an Inside Job)
Desperado Revue 2022 GK Contenders
Neem: India's tree of life
SLEEK FM - a Desperado Revue station
REAL FM - a Desperado Revue station
HONKY FM - a Desperado Revue Station
GRIT FM - a Desperado Revue station
CHAOS! CURBS! CURSES! ... ... ...
Featured Songs
LABEL FM - a Desperado Revue station

Station Links
Spectre177   Now playing Holworks Songs
NATURE ENTER ME!   Station playing Holworks Music
Films Music   Station playing Holworks songs
Coffeehouse   Can You Hear Me Now?
Hidden Gemstones  
LEGENDARY COUNTRY MUSIC   Playing There's a Chance
Adventurers, Jugglers, Minstrels  
Lace Loves Christmas  
The Lamestream   Alright PMC! We made the Lamestream Player's List! How cool is that?
Don't fence me in  
Singularity   Thanks Marc for liking this song. It means everything to know someone is listening. . .
Get Down Music Nashville  
Featured Songs  
Over The Moon  
Hip Hop/Rap  
Big Up  
green yogurt  
Mystery Radio  
green yogurt  
What the Folk!  
  Holworks Music
2018 IAIA Golden Kayak Award Nominees  
SPIN FM - a Desperado Revue station  
REAL FM - a Desperado Revue station  
Barefoot on a Dirt-Floor  
XNWY Kickinghorse Country Radio  
Blurby the Maestro of Blurbs  
Indigo Station  
SLAB FM - a Desperado Revue station   Thank you for adding a Holworks song
Musings   Thanks for playing Holworks Music!
^^Moods For All Seasons^^   Thank you for playing Holworks Music - Soar!
Officially Nominated for a Golden Kayak   Kayak Nomination - Cast Off Those Chains
Page Links
Holworks   Holworks Music IAC
Jerry Butler Country   Holworks listens to Jerry Butler Songs!
Marc Ceccotti  
Neil w Young  
Psyche's Muse   Psyche's Muse
Steve April   Steve April
Marc Ceccotti  
Psyche's Muse  
Steve April  
Neil w Young  
James Stanley Howen  
Jerry Butler Country  

7/26/2024 12:42:30 PM
Last pageview at: 7/26/2024 5:22:16 PM
Pageviews: 91450

