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Hugh Hamilton
Views for this Topic: 2893

3/9/2013 9:51:17 AM
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1/3/2010 12:59:06 PM
Greetings from Hugo

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To the Voxmobile, Robin!

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Gritty little amp...! (Hey Duane!)

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8/17/2009 11:34:03 PM
"What Grace Slick is doing now?"

3/29/2009 10:52:57 PM
Hugo to Los Angeles in April

3/13/2009 5:29:49 PM
Link to live recording with Joe Jack Talcum

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Video...but which tune?

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Hugo's Big Adventure - Phase II

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Recording/Video Live Performance (went well, pix)

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Upcoming Gigs


IAC Prime Member


Hugh Hamilton

1/3/2010 12:59:06 PM ---- Updated 1/3/2010 1:11:46 PM

Greetings from Hugo
THANK YOU to the folks who have had a listen, added a tune, and/or left a message on my page...my online life has mostly been relegated to checking the world news headlines via iphone. My musical efforts recently have mostly involved saying no to offers to record folks or join a band, which is an ironic twist considering when I started my online efforts those were my goals. Life has conspired to direct my attention elsewhere for a spell and I am managing to pick up the uke and guitar on occasion while hoping the day I jump back into music isn't too terribly far off.

Best wishes to all for a happy, healthy and creative new year...


P.S. I just stumbled onto this interesting interview called "Patrick Watson makes music from car parts, kitchen utensils":



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Bryon Tosoff

1/3/2010 1:23:43 PM

good to hear from you Hugo....thanks for dropping a note and letting us know of your current endeavors......always love your muse ...stay well and happy new year

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Steve Ison

1/3/2010 1:45:22 PM

Hey Hugh..Good to hear from you...Hope you get the space to make more music soon
Wishing you a creative,inspired 2010 :)

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Hop On Pop

1/3/2010 1:49:04 PM

Heya Hugh!
Just so you know, I am still hating you, quiet though you may have been.

Hope that all is well, or that it shakes out for the best, if it's not as you wish it to be. While music is certainly high on the list of important things for most of us, sometimes shit happens that makes you take notice of how much more important some other things are.

I know that my ass has been bit by that sneaky beast a couple of times.

Much love and happiness in the New Year, Hugo!


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1/3/2010 3:45:16 PM

Sounds like life has taken over ---for a while!!

Hugh---ewe are always right on the money, when you create new tunes or adapt

someones elses to your own style---looking forward to the next project,

To a successful 2010


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Richard Scotti

1/3/2010 4:01:52 PM

Great to see you dropping in, Hugh. You have been missed. Congrats on "Are You A
Believer?" making it to #82 on the Living With War Website.

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Conversation Suicide

1/4/2010 2:23:51 AM

Awesome to hear from you Hugh! Don't put down them git-fiddles fer too long though, you know the muse will be-a-callin' ya....

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The Man With No Band

1/5/2010 12:08:11 AM

Wishing you all the best Hugh !

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Village Jammers

1/5/2010 12:35:03 AM

Hang in there, Hugh

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1/6/2010 2:39:24 PM

Happy New Year Hugh! Miss you... but totally understand the ebb and flow of the musical wave. Its the first time in 6 years that we haven't been consistently booked. Played 4 gigs (all benefits/fundraisers) in October and decided not to book anything for a while, and focus on album. But all kinds of other crap gets in the way... sadly, have hardly picked up a guitar or sang a note for almost 2 months.

Sending you (((HUGE HUGO HUGS))) and creative music vibrations... bet you get a big surge of inspiration once this wave passes.

All the very best -

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1/6/2010 3:11:56 PM

hey Hugh, nice to see you. :)

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Tao Jones

1/6/2010 9:38:59 PM

Peace, Hugh...

If at all possible, play music. I think you will have an easier time with just about anything that hits you if you play.

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Black Velvet Lace

1/6/2010 9:50:58 PM

Hi Hugo! Great to see you, happy new year... guess what.. I went guitar shopping and played a.... MARTIN.

But I think I've fallen in love with a Takamine.


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1/7/2010 12:38:52 PM

hi hugh, i'm back too.....

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1/7/2010 2:17:21 PM

Cool to see you around Hugo! HNY!

(Have a go at some SLIDE on that track I sent over last year!)?

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Gilly Harrison

1/7/2010 7:01:54 PM

Good to hear from you Hugh. Hope to see you back in full flow very soon.

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Lars Mars

1/7/2010 7:05:48 PM

looks like it's homecoming week here at IAC.. gooda have ya back Hugh..


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Tony Vani and Debbie Hoskin

1/7/2010 9:08:40 PM

Hey Hugh!! Good to hear from you! Happy New Year!

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