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Black Velvet Lace
3/15/2008 8:48:31 PM
Guitars and guitarists
Can somebody tell me why electric guitarists buy and sell and buy and sell scads of electric guitars, but always keep one fav one?
The Man With No Band
3/15/2008 9:04:53 PM
Lace ... It's because they are all .... SIC !!!
Black Velvet Lace
3/15/2008 9:06:19 PM
Or.. really... RICH Sam!
3/15/2008 9:14:12 PM
mmmmmmmmmmm---maybe there's a lot of guitars out there, that look great ----but are pretty average when it comes to action , tone and comfort & holding tune!
I had a Gretch for many years------ but after I bought my Gibson I just sold the Tennesean----there was no comparison especially the tuning ----it just stays in!
The Man With No Band
3/15/2008 9:20:18 PM
Darn ... I forgot my smiley face again .... !!! Now the Electric Guitar Gods are gonna surely play me a real nasty flashback !!! .... AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaahhhhwwwwwwh
Pulse Eternal
3/16/2008 2:36:46 AM
Hmmm... I think I still have every instrument I have ever owned apart from my very first student trumpet which was traded for a professional one once my parents realised music was with me to stay!
I must say though, I still only own one guitar and that is my Fender Strat copy which was a present from my birth mother (I am adopted). It is not an expensive guitar but it is a decent one with great action and plays really well.
I had the use of my now ex boyfriend's acoustic guitar for years which I really miss so I do have plans to get myself a new acoustic some day soon.
Hugh Hamilton
3/16/2008 4:07:45 AM
Geez, Larree - based on some of your toonz I figured you had three hands...
I am SORELY tempted to make a joke about guitars/women...but I'll bite my tongue (it's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it)...
Well...believe it or not...each instrument has its own personality, and I'm not just talking different models or manufacturers...I'm talking each one...it took me a long time to get into the subtleties of TONE, but I'm there now...and for the geeks who refuse to admit that it's all about G.A.S. (Guitar Acquisition Syndrome) we prefer to couch it in terms of pursuing tone...I'm currently wrestling with the question, "How different REALLY are the sounds of a Les Paul Standard and an SG? I dunno. But it sure works for the Allmans...and a Strat worked for Jimi...and the Casino worked for much of the Fab4's hot stuff (Strats and Rics too, but all different sounding).
Also, each new instrument has a bunch of new songs in it, that can be coaxed out. My recent slide songs were derived to a great extent from an $80 "travel" guitar (tiny body, shaped like an egg, according to my 7-year old) and a new ceramic slide I had just purchased.
As for keeping a favorite...a favorite is like a good luck charm...it's scary to think of ditching it...who knows what would happen...
Hugh Hamilton
3/16/2008 4:22:02 AM
It just occurred to me..."What's The Matter With You" is a straight-ahead blues tune that was born out of a brand new Strat...my first-ever maple neck (schwing!)...I was so totally wrapped up in playing that thing I wasn't even thinking...at the end I had to find the final chord by sliding up the neck a few times because I didn't even know the key...was just jammin out, in the pocket, and wasn't sure where to go for an actual chord (LOL!)...the Strat has such a very particular sound...I'd better stop babbling on before I embarrass myself (too late, eh?) xxoo
Hugh Hamilton
3/16/2008 4:32:01 AM
I guess Larree's axe had some Bad Mojo in it...lol...I've never trashed a guitar. I have an Guild acoustic that I bought as a factory second about 20 years ago and which has pretty much destroyed itself, and I have on occasion considered taking it to the woodpile and...venting...but so far I've refrained....
Hugh Hamilton
3/16/2008 4:43:17 AM
That's a relief about Russ...I was afraid to imagine what other body part you might be employing, in the absence of a third hand...
3/16/2008 5:54:01 AM
Most of my original guitars were presents...and now long gone!!!
Purchased a Srat in '76 which I still use today, and got a Les Paul '60 reissue for my 50th Birthday!!!
Never felt the need to buy or sell any more guitars since getting the Strat!!!
kranky king
3/16/2008 7:21:08 AM
I'm enjoying my "travel" guitar on the couch and getting up every now and then to check blogs.
I really like this Peavey T-30 -- small, light, cheap ($120), strat set-up with more oomph from blade pu's. Perfect for travel with a two-bit amp. There is a case available from time to time on ebaby with an amp built into the case (but it fits so perfectly behind the truck seat in a gig bag).
Anyway, I sold much of my gear to support my drink and drug habits (prior to 1985). After sobering up I went through a lot of vintage gear buying at yard sales and auctions and reselling for profit. E-Bay was great --I've sent guitars, amps and microphones all over the States and Canada as well as to England (Hagstrom Viking), Germany (1953 Harmony Stratotone, first year), Switzerland (DeArmond archtop pick-up).
As far as the quest for "tone" goes -- well, it's your PLAYING that I admire, Hugh, not your tone. But I do agree you have to like your stuff! There's all kinds of rigs out there that sound great --tube, solid state, vintage, brand new -- who cares if you as long as you enjoy playing. The dumbest thing I ever read in a blog was some guy who said "Sure Steve Vai is a great player, but his TONE is terrible" What a knob! (Not that I'm comparing you to him -- calm down, big guy ;-)
Actually that's the second time this year I heard how great the VOX amp is, so I was going to look for it in the big city yesterday but ran out of time after getting all the bathroom renovation stuff with my wife. The truck was heaped up to the eyeballs!!
3/16/2008 7:34:54 AM
Well, I can't tell you why....but I've owned a Rickenbacker that I bought new in (gasp!) 1973....and I just bought two recently (a Tele and and Epiphone). To me they are a little like cars. I can't speak for the women who play guitar, but it might be a guy thing to go thru cars and guitars. The great ones stay with you, if you can afford to keep them...I'll leave the obvious other implication as just that :)
Duane Flock
3/16/2008 9:02:13 AM
I have a 1934 Gibson L7 that was my grandfathers. I estimate it's worth at around $20K. (I have the original case/sales slip) Of course to me the personal value is much more.
I have recently had a Carvin hand built to my specs, and I'm still getting used to the feel and action. If I had not been playing for as long as I have, I would be happy just getting by with my "off the shelf" axes.
Besides, my wife won't let me sell any of my stuff................. he he he : )
The Man With No Band
3/16/2008 9:28:40 AM
See Lace ..... I told ya they were all SIC !
Hugh Hamilton
3/16/2008 1:32:56 PM
Hey, Kranky King, I sure appreciate the nice compliment on playing...playing generates a tone, and the amp "puts it out there" - and there's a feedback situation going on...I've been noticing and admiring the constant "work" that my favorite players do - like Hendrix, Clapton, SRV - you watch them play a note and their fingers don't stop moving...THAT'S the first secret to tone - still, for the last couple of years I've been pursuing amplified tone and falling short in a lot of cases, particularly on lead. I think I've got it now...can't wait to track something and "get it up" lol...thanks again, made my day, Amigo...
Duane - would love to see your family axe sometime - no axe players in my background (that I know of) but lots of the ladies enjoyed playing piano...
3/16/2008 7:52:19 PM
I have several vintage guitars with a collective value of around $40k. Most of them weren't vintage when I got them (I would have paid less than $4k for the lot!). The "value" is immaterial because I'd never sell or trade them (my son wouldn't let me) and anyway they're the guitars I want.
But my stage guitar (and the one I "noodle about" on) is a c2000 Mexican Telecaster.
Cheap and cheerful!
The Black Orchids
3/16/2008 8:17:21 PM
I can only speak for myself, but I have this one guitar
that I'll take to the grave with me.
Why? Because playing it is better than sex, and I love sex a lot. Doug
Black Velvet Lace
3/17/2008 7:27:39 AM
LOL Sam.. well this thread has been enlightening for me. Seriously I never could understand how guys could buy an electric, *love it* and then sell it to buy another. Thinking about the tone thing, and how different different electrics do sound (well effects play a part too but..) makes more sense to me now. Not that acoustics don't vary in tone...
Before I purchased the one I played out with for 20some years, I spent months *visiting acoustics* in various music shops. I was on a mission to find one that had that fine ring of James Taylor's guitars. By the time I found *the one* (6 string Takamine- looked identical to several others in the store), I had visited IT several times, sitting on the floor playing for hours. The sales people prolly thought I was a tad touched, but I still have it today.
But... do I see a pattern here:
women= searching diligently and finally binding loyally to *the one*
men= wantonly going through guitar after guitar, discarding them when they're through with them
Black Velvet Lace
3/17/2008 7:53:48 AM
"Well, at least I'm not co-dependent!"
Oh hush you, you've already admitted.. "... All I need is one guitar."
Pulse Eternal
3/17/2008 10:05:09 AM
Quote by Lace - "But... do I see a pattern here:
women= searching diligently and finally binding loyally to *the one*
men= wantonly going through guitar after guitar, discarding them when they're through with them
LOL :-D Nice one!!
Maybe I should marry my guitar! We've been a loyal and intimate pair for almost two decades now!!
Black Velvet Lace
3/17/2008 10:27:34 AM
"LOL :-D Nice one!! Maybe I should marry my guitar! We've been a loyal and intimate pair for almost two decades now!!"
Heh.. Puss if you do.. PUT IT ON YOUTUBE!!!!!
Pulse Eternal
3/17/2008 10:50:56 AM
You beat me to it Larree!! That was going to pretty much be my response!
Maybe there's a good SuperPuss publicity stunt in there somewhere.
3/17/2008 10:59:36 AM
Thats the answer to your question in most cases!!!
Guitarists, (and indeed lots of other musicians) get lots of GAS.
This is something I read about a few years ago and it's certainly true of myself.
It's not that you are unhappy with the gear you already have, or that you need something else - you just have GAS.
It's a knind of addiction, like being addicted to spending, only more focused on musical instruments and equipment.
Pulse Eternal
3/17/2008 11:06:42 AM
Absolutely TNT!!!!
I have a major case of GAS at the moment with my Roland V Drums. This kit started out as a modest $2500 outlay and has wandered off on a $7000 tangent!!
I am getting two new cymbals for it next week, a 9" splash and a 12" china and CAN'T WAIT!!
Then, after I complete a new PA system installation for a new live venue, I'll be using some of that income to upgrade the module on my kit to the flagship TD20......which has more inputs and more outputs...... which means I can buy more toms, cymbals, maybe a cowbell and some other electronic triggers!!!!!
Gah!!! GAS....... where does it end?!
Black Velvet Lace
3/17/2008 11:35:25 AM
G(ear)AS, I don't think it does end.... my current wish list has *Boses PAS system* at the top!
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