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Beth Fridinger
3/30/2008 9:01:54 AM
Folks I am on the 26th day of the flu. Yesterday temp was up to 100.6. Has anybody here had this flu and what did ya do about it? Coughing so bad my stomach hurts now.
Hugh Hamilton
3/30/2008 9:19:06 AM
Really sorry to hear about this, Beth - I'd warn you about the hazards of pneumonia - something going on this long certainly warrants very careful PROFESSIONAL medical advice, and if you haven't been on antibiotics, you never know - might not be viral...be careful, see your doctor, and for goodness sake stay hydrated!!
Good luck, Beth!
3/30/2008 12:37:18 PM
What Hugh said. I've only had the flu once, and it 'only' lasted about a week or so. Anything going on for nearly a month should be checked out. Aside from that, the usual- get PLENTY of rest and drink lots of water.
Andy Broad
3/30/2008 12:38:14 PM
See a doctor, simple flu does not last 26 days!
You may have an infection, you may need a vitamin boost, but get to a doctor to find out.
Village Jammers
3/30/2008 1:13:44 PM
what they said......in SPADES! Chicken soup ain't gonna cover this one, Beth.
I hope you're feelin' better real soon. 26 days and you're long overdue, girl.
Beth Fridinger
3/30/2008 10:21:45 PM
I have never been this sick...scary thing is now I can't afford a $1,000 doctor bill either..have no health care card and do not know if I have coverage,.but I call tomorrow and I will go somewhere...I'm scared now...but my dad and step mom have had it 3 weeks, stepmom's grandson had to go to hospital...and another couple I know had it 3 weeks...this flu is very very bad....I know a few people who had it for 3 weeks...but my dad did have a touch of pneumonia...a couple people I know did end up in the hospital, and my cousin's daughter, the meds did not work and she ended up in intensive care with organs failing and almost died at only 22 so now I'm really scared. I am unable to work and unable to look for work in this condition.
the Rivergods
3/30/2008 10:30:04 PM
Have faith...go to the emergency room. They'll be able to work something out with you. Go now....please, OK?
Vincenzo Pandolfi
3/30/2008 10:39:22 PM
Beth at the very least as much as I don't like antibiotics should should be on a course now to prevent bacterial infection as your respiratory system would have been weakened by the flu, assuming that is what it is. I would also take lots of whole garlic and vitamin C. But you need expert management!! I would follow previous advice and go to the ER.
Hope you get better soon,
The Man With No Band
3/30/2008 11:55:18 PM
That sounds like a nasty case of the bug ... :(
Hope you get feeling better soon Beth ...
3/31/2008 7:15:58 AM
Take everyone's advice, Beth. Go to the nearest hospital and get it checked out. I hope you will go and hope you start getting better!
3/31/2008 7:17:46 AM
Take everyone's advice, Beth. Go to the nearest hospital and get it checked out. I hope you will go and hope you start getting better!
Beth Fridinger
3/31/2008 10:11:39 AM
Well I found out I do have health coverage....so I'm going to the emergency room today. couldn't get a doctor appt till tomorrow.
Beth Fridinger
3/31/2008 10:12:26 AM
What kind of a country is this, that to go to the doctor for one appt, you can get a bill that is close to $1,000? This is SICK!!!!
Beth Fridinger
3/31/2008 10:12:49 AM
What kind of a country is this, that to go to the doctor for one appt, you can get a bill that is close to $1,000? This is SICK!!!!
3/31/2008 3:17:04 PM
Doctors here in NZ-----$50---$70
Beth -----You must get it checked !
secondary infections etc!!
we are concerned!
Beth Fridinger
3/31/2008 8:22:09 PM
Well I went to the emergency room today.....I called and they said I do have insurance...I still don't trust it as I sent application in on March 21 so fear is did they look at the papers. I found out I have a mild case of pneumonia, so now I have an antibiotic to take....It's awful...never been sick this long before, and I cannot sing now. I just hope it gets better. I have to get another doctor appt this week to follow up on this. I have my fingers crossed that the insurance folks aren't gonna tell me I don' t have insurance and get stuck with a huge bill. I sure hope this clears up. If it is not bacterial and is viral, how long will it take to get rid of it. I am scared now.
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