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1/17/2016 12:32:40 PM
Official Golden Kayak Awards Pipeline Party thread
just chime in here. :)
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 12:41:06 PM
greetings all
good luck to all nominees, you are winners in your fine music
1/17/2016 12:41:18 PM
Not all at once now! :D
1/17/2016 12:42:34 PM
The show itself starts at 4:03. If this gets on with no snags, I will be thrilled. heh
Richard Scotti
1/17/2016 12:57:13 PM
Good luck to all!!
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 12:57:39 PM
---- Updated 1/17/2016 12:59:47 PM
Well, 3 minutes to go. Hope I'm in the right place. ;)
I'm sitting in front of IMPeccable Radio. ;)
1/17/2016 12:58:41 PM
look it up?
1/17/2016 1:00:13 PM
well I made it...
even made dinner early so I wouldn't
have to miss half of the show while I'm in the kitchen...
did I miss 'fork in the road'?
1/17/2016 1:01:25 PM
yes, heh
ok the show comes up at the end of this song if this works right, let's hope !
Richard Scotti
1/17/2016 1:01:45 PM
3 minutes and counting!
1/17/2016 1:01:53 PM
Good old fashioned radio.
And now a word from our sponsor....
Buy Carnation Instant Non Fat Dry Milk,
the only milk made from Contented Cows!
Steve Ison
1/17/2016 1:02:12 PM
Waiting for the show to start ! :)
1/17/2016 1:03:51 PM
We are not fighting. Don't say that.
1/17/2016 1:04:34 PM
And I'm not in my PJs...
I'm actually wearing clothes. Imagine that!
Larree and I both support Donald Trump,
we're getting along fine thank you!
1/17/2016 1:04:57 PM
already rollin', I am relieved. heh whew
Steve Ison
1/17/2016 1:06:42 PM
LOVE LETTERS FOR LUCY-Good song..Very atmospheric..Will try n remember to add it to my Cabaret Noir station !
1/17/2016 1:11:02 PM
The song is called Ground, they won for best band.
Steve Ison
1/17/2016 1:12:38 PM
Dick had my vote..Common Grounds's such a wonderful track...
1/17/2016 1:12:51 PM
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 1:13:54 PM
'Common Ground'. Beautiful for sure.
1/17/2016 1:15:14 PM
Larree might still be asleep... he was up late last night...
He'll be happy to hear we were both mentioned on the air, I imagine.
Not fighting anymore though, that wasn't accurate...
but yeah, I remember, prerecorded show...
this song's pretty decent... 'it's all over now?' is that the name of it?
1/17/2016 1:17:53 PM
yeah it's called All Over Now by Piranya.
1/17/2016 1:18:29 PM
Oh My.
Thank you on behalf of my late wife and I.
You've just brought tears to my eyes, Folks.
1/17/2016 1:20:32 PM
Vanessa is smiling down from Heaven, I have no doubt. Thank you Folks.
Bless IMP.
1/17/2016 1:23:04 PM
it was her peers who voted her in.
1/17/2016 1:24:26 PM
A streaker? Please don't blame that one on me.
Been a while since I did any of that.
1/17/2016 1:25:22 PM
Well Thank You All who voted for Mistress Of Sound.
Means more to me than if I win or the band wins. This made my day.
Steve Ison
1/17/2016 1:26:09 PM
Love this track..Azwel's such a good songwriter..Great chords n melodies
1/17/2016 1:26:47 PM
Hey, this one's pretty cool....
wish I'd caught the title...
my eyes are all wet
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 1:27:29 PM
That's for sure. Catchy as all get out.
1/17/2016 1:27:31 PM
Azwel, this is?
what's the name of the song?
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 1:27:57 PM
Head in the Clouds.
1/17/2016 1:28:55 PM
I just noticed Bryon got in under my last post. I posted that when nobody had posted yet, in case it was confusing.
1/17/2016 1:29:07 PM
congradulations to all! :)
Captain Confusion
1/17/2016 1:30:29 PM
I got it, Bluto.
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 1:32:05 PM
Pink Sugar Blues is soooooo mellow.
Steve Ison
1/17/2016 1:35:15 PM
Very good presenter Zeeza ! Very natural..Alot of work for yuz both to make this programme
1/17/2016 1:35:17 PM
Thanks everybody who showed up on this thread.
Hi Zeeza, glad you could make it! and thanks for co-hosting.
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 1:38:19 PM
Yay! The first winner I picked so far. ;) Lovely song, 'Orange Grove'.
1/17/2016 1:39:19 PM
yes, that's a great one.
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 1:39:29 PM
second that on Steve Ison's big shout out to Scott and Zeeza for the presentation of this show for all of us to enjoy.
1/17/2016 1:39:40 PM
Applause for Scott and Zeeza, Lovely Job of Hosting. Coolness.
1/17/2016 1:44:17 PM
congradulations to all! :)
1/17/2016 1:44:23 PM
Congrats Steve!
Steve Ison
1/17/2016 1:45:29 PM
Thanx for thew votes folks !
Do me n Dave have to split the kayak or do we get one each ? lol
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 1:45:54 PM
YAY again. ;)
1/17/2016 1:46:13 PM
ya each get your own. :)
Steve Ison
1/17/2016 1:46:41 PM
Gotta add this track to a station -Its really cool
Steve Ison
1/17/2016 1:47:11 PM
Thanx Scott haha
1/17/2016 1:47:56 PM
Is there any place, were i can see all winners?
1/17/2016 1:48:23 PM
nice piano mmmm
1/17/2016 1:49:10 PM
---- Updated 1/17/2016 1:50:27 PM
There will be at some point after the show, Criggu.
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 1:51:41 PM
Steve Ison , the man with the golden voice. and such a great songwriter and produces amazing works. kudos
1/17/2016 1:52:06 PM
See how good this is, so many different things happening - take not songwriters - well done Steve as always
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 1:53:12 PM
Absolutely agree, Bryon.
Steve Ison
1/17/2016 1:55:49 PM
Bryon,Jilly,Donna..Thanx alot for the kind thoughts..As always really appreciated :)
Candy Cottontail
1/17/2016 1:56:31 PM
I heard there was a party, sorry I'm late xxxxxx
1/17/2016 1:57:48 PM
Welcome Candy, and welcome to all!
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 1:57:58 PM
Jazz goddess , Julia is so deserving. lovely song, soaring vocals, unusual work mellow mysterious and compelling.
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 1:59:13 PM
And another YAY! ;)
Candy Cottontail
1/17/2016 1:59:56 PM
OOOOOh, so sexy and relaxing Julia
Steve Ison
1/17/2016 2:00:20 PM
Yeh this is such a beautiful track..Lovely
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:02:21 PM
Wow, thanks for the votes everyone much appreciated, for the song Echoes
1/17/2016 2:02:46 PM
Congrats Bryon! :)
1/17/2016 2:03:28 PM
yeah congratulations, Bryon!
Steve Ison
1/17/2016 2:03:29 PM
Well done Bryon !..This is such a lovely mellow piece..Perfect late night music :)
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:03:32 PM
---- Updated 1/17/2016 2:04:39 PM
thanks Bluto Steve and Scott, appreciate this very much very cool to be acknowledged in this way
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 2:04:45 PM
Just beautiful, Bryon. I love the meditative quality.
1/17/2016 2:04:47 PM
Beautiful work, Bryon. Congratulations.
1/17/2016 2:05:30 PM
I'm ashamed I never heard this before Bryon - note to self - play more Bryon :)
1/17/2016 2:06:00 PM
thanks Steve, I had fun. :)
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 2:08:24 PM
---- Updated 1/17/2016 2:08:52 PM
And YAY again. ;) Really diggin' the beat. ;)
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:09:01 PM
again, thx to Donna American Lesley Jane and Jilly for listening and commenting on the show and a shout out to all of you who are maintaining the faith and building such a great community here at I M P and supporting this great place
Soo Woo
1/17/2016 2:10:11 PM
I get up early to hear this on
Hello American and erope and ausralia
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:11:08 PM
YAY Muriel, SqurlyMurly FLY is such a lovely song
1/17/2016 2:11:10 PM
I think Bryon's on this one by Squrly Mirly too.
1/17/2016 2:11:11 PM
Hello and Welcome Soo Woo
Soo Woo
1/17/2016 2:11:33 PM
is it Fly on wall ?
1/17/2016 2:11:39 PM
hey Soo
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:12:28 PM
Yes,I did the keys and arrangement on it, it was fun, love Muriel's voice and the song is so wonderful. congrats to Muriel again, thank you for letting me help you out
Soo Woo
1/17/2016 2:12:56 PM
Hey Fly where are you this morn
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 2:13:14 PM
Yes, 'Fly' is beautiful.
1/17/2016 2:13:39 PM
thank you! :)
fly on the wall
1/17/2016 2:14:24 PM
just listenin' to the show..
Candy Cottontail
1/17/2016 2:15:42 PM
There should be more songs about bunnies not flies don't you think
fly on the wall
1/17/2016 2:16:54 PM
No, less bunnies, twice as many flies.
1/17/2016 2:17:03 PM
---- Updated 1/17/2016 2:17:59 PM
thanks Bryon! :)
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:17:23 PM
John Pippus my vancouver buddy and friend way to go. and so cool too have tie in the category well done to james harker , way to go guys, great tune on Alligator, this is a good feeling energy happy tune, great riffs too
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 2:18:03 PM
And another YAY!. ;)
1/17/2016 2:18:48 PM
Wow I love this sort of music
1/17/2016 2:20:28 PM
Anyone who can add recalcitrant as a lyric deserves to win in my book !
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:20:53 PM
great guitar work on this, that intro is kinda cool on BURN, totally expect something else. yehaw
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 2:22:03 PM
I'm with you on 'recalcitrant', Jilly. ;) I really enjoyed the lyric.
Soo Woo
1/17/2016 2:22:18 PM
I not like swear word but song god
Old Man Warner
1/17/2016 2:22:46 PM
I like this John Pippus song.
Steve Ison
1/17/2016 2:23:26 PM
Loved SqurlyMurlys FLY..Well donee..These last 2 songs are excellent too :)
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:24:18 PM
How is everyone doing, great tracks , this show has been outstanding and the presenters have made it interesting, love the extra noise opening the envelops lol scrunch rustle and rip
1/17/2016 2:25:12 PM
Hi Old Man Warner, are you hopping to this ?
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 2:25:57 PM
'Burn' is fantastic. Great story, great music.
Old Man Warner
1/17/2016 2:27:04 PM
I like the rock songs but I try not to hurt myself.
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:29:21 PM
Burn is Great, there is a video of it here,live performance, the song was taken off the video, vid came out first, then the song
Had the privilege of promoting this song of John Pippus to radio , it was on a 3 song EP and did well . John is one fine songcrafter.
1/17/2016 2:31:35 PM
Great bass work too
1/17/2016 2:33:50 PM
Thanks for the nomination it was an honor!! Such Great songs all around.
Congrats to all the winners!!
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 2:34:12 PM
---- Updated 1/17/2016 2:35:04 PM
What a wonderful evening of music. And as a lyricist, I've been enjoying all of the excellent storytelling.
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:34:14 PM
Epiphany is really cool, wow
Chandra Moon
1/17/2016 2:34:18 PM
Just listening now - it's late here - 10.30 but I'm going to put my headphones on and enjoy listening in bed. Congratulations to everyone - what a great playlist.
Great MCing too. Thanks to everyone concerned - I'm quite teary!
1/17/2016 2:35:35 PM
Hi Chandra, it's late here too, stay awake :)
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:35:58 PM
Yay, Piranya, kudos ,great song and amazing artist. powerhouse dynamic dig the tune
1/17/2016 2:37:06 PM
Damn it I lost hahaha! kudos to the winner
Paul groover
1/17/2016 2:37:56 PM
Old man warner i love him
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:38:33 PM
old man warner. good, yeah. things are great well done.
1/17/2016 2:39:23 PM
Steve Ison
1/17/2016 2:41:15 PM
I loved Steve Aprils track too -but this is a fabluous..Gets better every time i hear it
1/17/2016 2:42:17 PM
Candy Cottontail...
I just put a link to a Bunny song on your page.
Chandra Moon
1/17/2016 2:42:44 PM
Congratulations Steve Ison - I adore this track.
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:42:54 PM
alternative retro rock whoa, always love these STEVE ISON the guy just knows how to write songs, kudos man great guitar, and those vocals, stunning
1/17/2016 2:43:13 PM
good song there Steve, I like the feel.
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 2:44:12 PM
Another YAY! :) Great song, Steve.
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:44:33 PM
so well produced, everything Steve Ison does is world class. always the right and cool touches. so good
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:45:55 PM
Country Hop on Pop. yah, Todd
Chandra Moon
1/17/2016 2:47:08 PM
Well done Todd - well deserved! This is better than the oscars.
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 2:47:23 PM
---- Updated 1/17/2016 2:51:25 PM
A YAY here too. ;) Lovely song. Lovely lyric.
Steve Ison
1/17/2016 2:47:41 PM
---- Updated 1/17/2016 2:54:03 PM
YAY! Thanx so much Bryon,Donna.Jilly,Chandra n Zeeza for the generous words :)
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:48:17 PM
wonderful song todd, made it to the middle. great singing man. well done. dig that guitar twang
1/17/2016 2:48:24 PM
Hope I can make it to the END of the show, didn't sleep last night - Glad Hoppy won though
1/17/2016 2:48:52 PM
Scott, there will be no snags while I'm here, hee :)
Steve Ison
1/17/2016 2:49:56 PM
This song by Todds so lovely.If only this kinda country was succesful !.May be even my favourite by him
Really loved Neil W Youngs one here too-very cool song
Steve Ison
1/17/2016 2:51:35 PM
Well done Stoneman -cool track
Was my vote :)
Chandra Moon
1/17/2016 2:51:42 PM
Go Stoneman - you're the single most prolific writer I know in just about every genre. Congratulations my friend. Dance on!
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:51:47 PM
Electronic and Dance , I so like this type of works its friday Stoneman, kudos my friend
1/17/2016 2:53:18 PM
"Its Friday", nice to dance to! cool
Chandra Moon
1/17/2016 2:53:28 PM
And Bryon did I see Echoes won? Beautiful song. I wasn't here for that genre.
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 2:54:12 PM
YAY, another one. ;) Fantastic groove.
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:56:12 PM
The track by Stoneman was awesome
1/17/2016 2:56:44 PM
I'm going to have to leave this Pipeline thread - the delay on my system means I see all the congrats before I know who's won and it kinda spoils it. I'll keep listening.
Have a good time all who came.
Father Time
1/17/2016 2:57:20 PM
the song playing there is Over the Edge by Fozzie and Jack
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:58:29 PM
legends of indie, inductions. was that hermit crabs, kudos, Steve Ison. yay so deserved
Father Time
1/17/2016 2:59:02 PM
Congrats Jilly!
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 2:59:15 PM
---- Updated 1/17/2016 3:01:23 PM
good for you Jillianne , comedy win, so good to hear
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 3:00:42 PM
---- Updated 1/17/2016 3:04:05 PM
And one more YAY. ;) Well done, Jillianne.
1/17/2016 3:00:44 PM
That tune deserves an award in any category
Steve Ison
1/17/2016 3:00:44 PM
Well done Jilly ! This is such a cool atmospheric,strange song..Was my vote :)
Father Time
1/17/2016 3:01:39 PM
it was Miscellaneous (& Comedy)
Father Time
1/17/2016 3:02:01 PM
hey Lyin Dan!
1/17/2016 3:02:37 PM
Buy the book here
Chandra Moon
1/17/2016 3:04:26 PM
Black Suns - fabulous track.
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 3:05:07 PM
'City by the Sea' - a worthy winner! :)
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 3:06:00 PM
---- Updated 1/17/2016 3:07:42 PM
yeah, unusual track kinda jazzy trippy thing in some parts. powerful, great bass work. love the percussion neat chordal qualities and progressions
1/17/2016 3:06:51 PM
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 3:08:33 PM
y'all did so good
1/17/2016 3:10:18 PM
Zeezer is a natural - good show night night all x
Chandra Moon
1/17/2016 3:10:34 PM
Hurray for song of the year. This track is one I listen to over and over on my station Over The Moon! Congratulations Mr Lemon's Sweet Revenge. A simply brilliant piece.
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 3:11:47 PM
wow, great song, total stellar groove, unique and out there, but cool
1/17/2016 3:14:07 PM
who does Mr Lemon's Sweet Revenge again?
Donna Devine
1/17/2016 3:14:31 PM
---- Updated 1/17/2016 3:16:23 PM
'Mr Lemon's Sweet Revenge' - Brilliant song for sure. What a treat. ;)
It's after midnight here, so I'm off.
Thanks for the exhilarating evening of music. And a big thank you for the nominations. I was honoured. :)
Station Manager: Bryon. Another YAY! ;)
Chandra Moon
1/17/2016 3:14:40 PM
Well done Bryon well deserved station manager. Thanks for so much encouragement over the last few years. Thanks for a brilliant show IMP. Good night all xxx
1/17/2016 3:14:42 PM
Great show. I listened while working.
Congrats to all!
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 3:14:49 PM
wow,thanks every one for the votes as station manager. thanks and shout out to Scott and Zeeza for the great MCing cheers all
1/17/2016 3:15:48 PM
who does Mr Lemon's Sweet Revenge again?
Steve Ison
1/17/2016 3:16:00 PM
Congrats Bryon ! Absoloutly deserved,..Thoughtful,intelligent,interesting song reviews giving so much to the artists who receive them
Nice one Scott n Zeeza for such a well put together entertaining show ! :)
Father Time
1/17/2016 3:16:49 PM
Thanks for comin, folks!
The show will be streamable shortly at http://indiemusicpeople.com/kayakbig25
1/17/2016 3:17:13 PM
Lesley, Circe Link
1/17/2016 3:17:57 PM
who does Mr Lemon's Sweet Revenge again?
1/17/2016 3:18:15 PM
Thanks Dan.
1/17/2016 3:19:32 PM
Thanks again, to all, to Bryon and Steve! Discovering new music is always fun!
1/17/2016 3:22:07 PM
Zeezer the tweezer is mostly Zeeza the natural Madame. :)
Hop On Pop
1/17/2016 3:24:47 PM
I won?
That is so flattering! I am amazed and flattered and humbled! The competition was really strong and I did not expect this.
Thanks so much!
Hop On Pop
1/17/2016 3:25:47 PM
I should say that I did not get to listen to the show -- out doing family stuff. But I am going to go back and stream it if I can.
I can, can't I?
The Kayak Big 25
1/17/2016 3:31:05 PM
Yes it will be up completely for streaming in about 10 minutes on this page.
Circe Link did Mr. Lemon's Sweet Revenge
The Kayak Big 25
1/17/2016 3:47:13 PM
Here's the LINK to the stream of the show
1/17/2016 3:51:18 PM
the banners and such will be up in the next couple days, folks.
1/17/2016 3:54:28 PM
---- Updated 1/17/2016 3:55:18 PM
I'm not sure if it will come up correctly later, or if it is just a wrong link, but the link, which i assume should lead to the award stream, leads to the "charts"
Whereas the stream here http://indiemusicpeople.com/artist.aspx?id=155847 is broken
1/17/2016 5:00:42 PM
I'm late : (
Richard Scotti
1/17/2016 5:04:04 PM
Congrats to all the nominees and winners!!!
1/17/2016 5:18:03 PM
Just wanted to say that I enjoyed listening to each and everyone of the nominees and how difficult it was to choose only one in each category. If I had been allowed to vote for all, I certainly would have! Kudos to everyone, and I wish you all great success in your musical endeavors. Also, a great big hug and heartfelt thanks to all who helped Fly win its' category. Most of all, much love to Bryon, for his musical talents and collaborations!
Bryon Tosoff
1/17/2016 5:23:42 PM
I enjoyed working on Muriel's song Fly, very nice song, lovely singing, thanks again for the opportunity Muriel
1/17/2016 6:18:39 PM
Big thanks to all who voted for me and for your kind words of support. I was totally surprised that I won as I have been in the studio all day. This is truly an honor that I will always treasure. Also, big congratulations to all the winners and all who were nominated. Plus, my sincere thanks to Scott and all who helped to make the awards show a success. Through your efforts, there are many smiles in Indie Land today.
As always........
Much Respect & Appreciation!
PS. I have won many awards in the music industry but there is nothing more special than to be honored by my peers here at IMP. Sincere Heartfelt Thanks Again!
Two Silo Complex
1/17/2016 7:49:19 PM
Congratulations al the golden Kayak winners!
Neil w Young
1/17/2016 8:20:27 PM
It is just past 10:45 p.m. (EST) here in Paris Ontario, and I have arrived home ten minutes or so earlier having been away for the day. Unfortunately, I did not have a chance to listen to the Golden Kayak Awards ceremony. I have already though extended my sincere and hearty congratulations to Todd - Hop on Pop, on his winning the Golden Kayak in the Country category - well deserved on Todd's part for sure.
I was honoured to be one of the nominees in the Country category with Hop on Pop, Bright Eye Band and Black Hat Society.
My thanks and appreciation to Steve Ison for his kind words above about my song.
Congratulations and best wishes to all Golden Kayak winners and all nominees.
Congratulations go out to Scott and Zeeza for hosting the Golden Kayak Awards, and to Scott for his dedication and determination in completing the mission to resurrect the Golden Kayak Awards after a seven year absence from our indie community and making them the success that they obviously have been. Thank you Scott.
Best wishes to all here at IMP.
1/17/2016 10:24:55 PM
I wanted to congratulate and thank all who were nominated and won, and who participated.
Again, you can stream the show by going to this link.
2015 Golden Kayaks Show
1/18/2016 2:35:18 AM
---- Updated 1/18/2016 2:46:18 AM
Is it really just me? Somehow all the links to the show dont work :(
The ones which do lead somewhere only lead to the "big 25" which counts down the 25 best songs... I would like to listen to the Kayak awards again...
I did realize that it's really just me... For some unknown reason, all the links work perfectly on another PC. Gonna listen to it now. Congratulations to all the nominees and winners.
Shoe City Sound
1/18/2016 5:00:01 AM
Can't wait to listen to the stream of the Golden Kayak Awards presentations. In the meantime, big congrats to Scott and all the winners!
Chandra Moon
1/18/2016 7:20:03 AM
I meant to say many thanks for nominating me as station manager of the year. Although I didn't win - the right person did in Bryon Tosoff who tirelessly supports new and old artists on his stations - I was amazed to even get a mention and I really appreciate it. And thanks to whoever nominated my very rough recording of Only You Know Who You are.
I thoroughly enjoy my two main stations Over The Moon and Airspace - both completely different. As I'm away a lot I'm quite inconsistent but I always really listen to the new music here and try to give positive comments. Over The Moon really focuses mainly on alternative music, I love the quirky - Airspace is my chillout, ambient and instrumental station which I listen to a lot at night.
I so enjoyed the Kayak show and felt the community spirit really coming back to life here and for that massive congratulations to everyone concerned - you did it!!! You really did it and I for one thought it was brilliant.
Cheers to you all!!!
1/18/2016 8:52:26 AM
Well done all - I listened to the show but have rather a slow connection, however, reading some of the lovely things people write here I wish there was an award for the nicest posters on the Pipeline! But of course that nomination list would be much tooooooooo long -
1/18/2016 8:59:15 AM
Congrats to all the winners! Great show!
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