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1/23/2019 6:28:28 PM
Official Golden Kayak Show Pipeline Thread - stop in,,
getting started soon.
1/23/2019 6:43:45 PM
well this will be interesting. Show is programmed to play, I'm at dialysis til 8, and the wifi here has the site blocked. i hope it works. haha If so it's a good show.
The Rhythm Kings
1/23/2019 6:59:44 PM
The Kings are Here and We are Drinking!
1/23/2019 7:03:07 PM
Is the show playing ok for you?
Desperado Revue
1/23/2019 7:06:05 PM
Not Working
1/23/2019 7:07:54 PM
How do I listen? Or, where do I listen?
Richard Scotti
1/23/2019 7:08:14 PM
Will the link to the show be on the pipeline?
1/23/2019 7:09:00 PM
aw shit. well I'll be home at 8 to look at it, heard from others earlier that it was working. Guess the worst that could happen is we have to postpone.
Desperado Revue
1/23/2019 7:09:20 PM
IMP front page, click on RED BUTTON
1/23/2019 7:11:45 PM
it's on pipeline now, is it working for anybody?
Richard Scotti
1/23/2019 7:13:57 PM
not working for me
1/23/2019 7:15:33 PM
Got it! Thanks
1/23/2019 7:16:29 PM
Is it working for you, Holworks?
The Rhythm Kings
1/23/2019 7:19:44 PM
I'm on Impeccable... Is that right???
1/23/2019 7:24:35 PM
yes but we may be having technical problems
David Nyro
1/23/2019 7:29:03 PM
Not working for me either. Gotta love those technical glitches. Sorry, mates. As if y'all don't have enough stress. Well, take a deep breath and we're all out here waiting - and having another beer - and rooting for you! David Nyro and Abby London
1/23/2019 7:51:51 PM
ok folks, am home now, the station is playing but not the show. it will be on station soon, sorry we have rarely had any issue with this server in the past.
The Rhythm Kings
1/23/2019 9:16:24 PM
Good Lord Thank You All so Much for the Award All!.... Don Is Smiling in Heaven.
1/23/2019 9:51:52 PM
Congratulations to all the 2018 Golden Kayak winners! I enjoyed listening to your songs again. I especially want to thank IMP. You certainly made the Ceremony enjoyable from start to finish. I wish everyone the best in 2019!.
Richard Scotti
1/23/2019 10:08:58 PM
Congrats to all the nominees and winners.
Thank you to all those who continue to support my music and who give me a Reason To Live.
Blessings to Scott for all he does for us and for keeping indie music alive.
Desperado Revue
1/24/2019 6:42:26 AM
Congratulations to all involved in the process, contenders, nominees and winners alike.
Special congratulations to Bryon Tosoff, heck , I voted for you.
And now the " Revue " continues for another year and were all off to a good start.
Paul groover
1/24/2019 7:31:50 AM
Thanks to Scott for the big shout at the start and all involved. Have a great 2019
Chandra Moon
1/24/2019 7:52:20 AM
Is there a link to listen again to this as the time difference means it was the middle of the night here and I'd love to listen to it. Thanks - Chandra
1/24/2019 9:45:06 AM
There's a thread with the link, Chandra, it's all on a station.
Neil w Young
1/24/2019 11:14:55 AM
---- Updated 1/25/2019 12:15:29 PM
Congratulations to all the 2018 Golden Kayak Award winners and to all fellow nominees.
Many thanks and much appreciation to all who participated in the Golden Kayak Awards by nominating and voting, and to all the artists and members who share their gift of music here at IndieMusicPeople.com.
Special thanks once again to Scott for all his hard work and time - and frustration at times I'm sure, in putting the event together and hosting the Awards show, and to the special guests on the show.
Wishing the best of everything to all in 2019,
P.S. ... Hope I didn't cause too much of a disturbance, distraction, or excitement even, making my grand entrance at the Awards ceremony. It seemed appropriate though for this old Canadian cowboy to ride in on my trusty Arabian, Whirlwind ... well, anyway, at least it did to all hands back here at Kickinghorse Ranch on the outskirts of Paris who were jubilant about my nomination - a little surprised though at my cover song, "You're The Reason" being in the Classic and Progressive Rock category, although the song is a Classic, so I guess that counts. In any event, I do want to say thank you for the honour regardless the category - truly and greatly appreciated.
Shoe City Sound
1/24/2019 12:39:46 PM
Special thanks to Scott who went way above and beyond to make sure the awards show went on as planned.
Congrats to all the nominees and winners! Well done!!
Francesca Tamellini
1/25/2019 8:50:31 AM
---- Updated 1/25/2019 8:51:30 AM
I have just managed to listen now. Thank you so much. There are no better compliments than this. Love to all of you from me alone and with Blind Man Zero!
Psyche's Muse
1/25/2019 2:34:47 PM
The Happy/Smiling Spirit of "The Show" is very much needed AND appreciated. "Thanks!" unto one and all associated with it and its production. A "Congratulations!" goes not only unto you for "pulling it off", but unto EVERYONE HERE, whether nominated or not, whether "winning" or not, for choosing IMP as "THE PLACE" for offering up your musical creations! Thank You... "Everyone"!! -M-
1/26/2019 1:02:03 AM
Big thanks to Scott and all involved. I am so honored and blessed by the awards. This community has been so good to me. I treasure you all so much! Thank you Scott for all that you do to make the annual awards so awesome! Much Respect Brother! Stoneman
1/26/2019 1:37:20 AM
we are with you keep it up thanks for your great idea offshore hosting
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