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James Stanley Howen
Views for this Topic: 549

7/18/2024 3:59:37 PM
2024 Kayak awards

4/6/2022 10:44:11 AM
Fixing Tech problems completed when?

3/23/2022 10:10:03 AM
Fixing IMP?


IAC Prime Member


James Stanley Howen

3/23/2022 10:10:03 AM

Fixing IMP?
Does anyone have a clue when these problems with IMP being resolved??????????????

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Bryon Tosoff

3/23/2022 10:14:45 AM

hmmm, let me check. I tried uploading some pictures and it said Boolean Boolean no can do, go back three steps and two steps forward

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3/23/2022 10:35:26 AM

Patience is a virtue.

Only girls would know that, n'est ce pas.


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3/23/2022 10:39:35 AM

well I heard from the tech guy this morning and he believes final testing may be ready this afternoon but I'm trying not to get my hopes too high, the more i do the more torturous this is.

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Bryon Tosoff

3/23/2022 10:56:39 AM

smart move thinking like that Scott. its only been 9 weeks, another 9 cant be so bad ,it is getting easier every day, Its like an old car breaking down and parts needing replacing, just keep it in the garage fix up place and it will be running smooth just like the old days lol

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Desperado Revue

3/23/2022 11:04:00 AM

And you have to think about all these Artists, songs, stations and photos that have to go back in.


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William J Urmson

3/23/2022 11:28:14 AM

The check's in the mail LOL~

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3/23/2022 11:46:23 AM

well I've just been assured that once the new stuff is installed, the missing path will be restored and the pics and such will all be back. Also I've now been told that the finish time is adjusted to 9 PM Thursday. I'm not a religious guy but I may pray before I go to bed tonight.

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Richard Scotti

3/23/2022 11:46:32 AM

The pandemic taught me the art of patience, something I didn’t have in abundance before that. It’s the same thing with technology. It’s a useful but sometimes unpredictable tool. It’s a waiting game. Sometimes things go quickly and sometimes they go agonizingly slow. We live on the 6th floor of a 6 story building and the elevator
has been breaking down continually for years.
But the tenants finally organized and said enough is enough. The elevator was built in 1922
and had no digital components. Parts were impossible to get because they were obsolete.
The elevator needed a complete modernization
and would depend largely on digital and computerized parts. Management spent $150,000 to install a whole new elevator. There would be no elevator service for one month. But
one month turned into 2 months and tenants are going crazy! The complexity of modernizing an old elevator is astounding! But we all had to remain patient. We had no choice but we all pulled together and helped each other get through it. Some tenants wanted to sue or have a rent strike or just break their leases and move out. But in the end, cooler heads prevailed and the elevator is working perfectly! You can apply this story as a metaphor to IMP’s present situation. Patience is indeed a virtue and cooler heads should always prevail.

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3/23/2022 12:19:54 PM

I love you Richard.

You think like a woman. You've got it right about patience.


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Bryon Tosoff

3/23/2022 12:57:41 PM

I have taught students for nearly 40 years. I think I know a bit about patience lol

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3/23/2022 1:03:46 PM

Just joking here but do I detect a pinch of jealousy.


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Bryon Tosoff

3/23/2022 2:18:26 PM

huh.why would I be jealous none of that , not jealous at all Brigitte. so yeah I love teaching, although this probably be my last year it is trending that way, due to the covid and attrition ,which I am letting happen and have turned down one on one in class students for next year. do teach a handful this year of students graduating their RCM and moving on to college. All of them, first time I ever had every single student in grade 12 all leave and that will be it for my piano theory harmony songwriting classes for them

I do some online and video instruction at times though

Time now dedicated to more promo of my own works and building my spotify presence more, continue with submitting songs to terrestrial radio and college radio in Canada. I have a lot fo contacts built up over the years being in the promo and publicist work I have done for others, near 20 years of that, and finished the last promotion this last summer. so, yeah, been a very busy guy for many years

Trending upwards there at the spot and hope it continues

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3/23/2022 2:39:09 PM

Bryon, you teaching the ins and outs of music will be a loss for students. I'm sure the ones who have been under your spell will talk about you for decades to come.


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Bryon Tosoff

3/23/2022 2:46:58 PM

thanks, yes Brigitte many students still stay in touch !

love your new station name SYNTH ,short sweet to the point. excellent

eYe like my I , there are ones like ? which I beleive is a Larree Station.

some neat names about the IMPNATION (I coined that name for our lovely impnation peoples artists listeners)


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Desperado Revue

3/23/2022 5:31:43 PM

I've been trying to add new topic on the pipeline to no avail. I can comment on others
posts there, no problem. Like Brigitte says, PATIENCE.


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Bryon Tosoff

3/23/2022 5:34:08 PM

topics adding should be no prob Norm, I overload this place, its easy lol!!!

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Father Time

3/23/2022 6:15:09 PM

Norm, maybe Bluto thinks your topics suck. j/k :D

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Desperado Revue

3/23/2022 6:23:51 PM

It finally worked. My new Topic - BRIGITTE -. What a gal.

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Bryon Tosoff

3/23/2022 6:40:44 PM

good thing Norm, nice that you featured her on the pipeline, she is happening alright

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3/23/2022 9:39:10 PM

Scott, you are a true bro. I know what this site means to you, and I know how much you love the indie music community. Yes, this has been torturous HELL - But the love is STRONG!

As Stoneman would say - "RESPECT!"

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Bryon Tosoff

3/24/2022 11:46:05 AM

it is a pretty amazing place alright Larree, Scott has poured his soul and given "blood sweat and tears growing iacmusic aka indiemusicpeople and sacrificed worked his butt off building and developing it along with Dave.Many others have over the years supported this place to keep the lights on like Steve April, Neil w Young , Duane Flock and many many others with their personal investments to keep it afloat, it has been a struggle of recent years, in me, deep down, I would Like to see it rebound like in days gone by, even though sometimes it seems otherwise.

I do admire the intestinal fortitude and drive Scott displays with his dedication in maintaining this music beacon that shines a little less bright then in the past, but still like a lighthouse of sorts it attracts people who want to participate in making it a good place for us indie musicians to show our wares and keep the joint afloat and working

best of luck to getting the IMPNATION banner flying high a top indie music nation

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The Rhythm Kings

3/24/2022 1:50:53 PM

Wonder what it's going to be like when we can upload songs!?!?! We may have to limit ourselves to 1 per day? There's got to be a proverbial ton of new material!

We might crash it if we overload the old girl?

Be well out there!


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3/24/2022 3:46:36 PM

I've been working on my stations for the last 2 hrs. Updating stations, moving tracks from one stations to another.

Speed on the site has picked up. That's a plus.


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