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   The Living DollsNancy
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic HyperLink


A new song from our upcoming CD "MellowDrama"

Written By Josh Gordon

Song Comments

The Indie King

Syd Barrett meets the new millennium

Lars Lair
A Bubble of a song that a girl from the 60's blew into the 21st Century...so full of charm that it disables the alarm!

Poets & Carnivores
This song is really quite fantastic in all the best simple ways.

Politics Of Pop (Smart Writing & Indica)
This song is really quite fantastic in all the best simple ways.

I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS SONG! It may be the most adorable psychedelic pop song in existence...and I know I'm pushin the envelope by saying that..well...Just Listen!!

I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS SONG! It may be the most adorable psychedelic pop song in existence...and I know I'm pushin the envelope by saying that..well...Just Listen!..From{{{THE FEEDING TUBE}}}

ALtErNaTiVe ReTrO aNd PsYcHeDeLiC
This is such a fabulously epic track...Its harpsichord led rainbow coated production loveliness,brilliant atmosphere and great offbeat character-study lyrics absoloutly determined to sound exactly like it was created in London in 1967-and lucky for us totally succeeding! 'He asked if she'd join them for crackers and some tea..' ....The solo moog break in the middle is just pure genius btw..

zing! flip! squash!--WATERPLANET radio
Yet another band with such great songs! "Nancy" has a very sweet soundvocals reminiscent of Blind Melon. Love the dirgey-slow ballad keyboards.

K-RTRO vol. II
One of our songs. Heavily inspired by The Kinks.

:::Abominable Snow Shaft:::
The Abominable Snow Shaft 'plays with' The Living Dolls

serendipity redux II
Ooh - just give me a harpsichord, and suddenly it's 1968. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I love this to bits, and have to wonder how it hasn't ended up on a TV advert

"This song is really quite fantastic in all the best simple ways." politics of pop (smart writing and indica)

The Green Army
If a band knows how to orchestrate a song well, it's The Living Dolls. Harpsichord sets the tone early that this song will have ambition.

Auld Lang Sign
Well, a blast of 60s musicality and indie spirit, the harpsichord upbeat w a classical patina, the harmonies are colorful, toucha strings & the lyrics/story charmin', kudos...

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