Imagine yourself running amongst purple flower factories and fields of blue strawberries. Imagine witches flying through the air. Imagine (just do it), a saftey pin tree and orange clouds raining tears. imagine rats whispering in your ears.

Your slowly getting an idea of the world the living dolls reside in.
Part beguiling world full of color and part light blue nightmare. A place where lions mew like kittens and winged,fire breathing kitty cats are bent on your destruction.

The Living Dolls are an amalgamation of some of the most interesting and important eras of pop music (this, by no means, is meant to imply that The Living Dolls are either interesting or important):
60's & 70's Pop, Mod ala The Kinks and Beatles, The Jam, The Small Faces and Bowie.
60's Proto-Punk like The Stooges and The Velvet Underground.
70's Arena Rock such as ELO, Queen and Pink Floyd.
70's Protopunk like Television & Patti Smith.

Frank and Lucy

Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

Crime of the Century

Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

Happy Manors

Alternative Retro and Psychedelic


Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

A new song from our upcoming CD "MellowDrama"

Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

Instant Party
A gem from The Who's first album also covered by Fleur De Lys in the '60s with the title "Circles". Our interpretation takes it's cues from both versions.

Power Pop


Mod Power Pop


Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

A slightly unfinished song from our upcoming CD: MellowDrama

Alternative Pop Rock

Everything That Happened

Alternative Power Pop

Solid Gold

Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

Remember When

Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

Jet Lagged

Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

Long Long Way

Retro Pop

DMD Compact Disc Online
The Living Dolls
The first CD from Los Angeles based band The Living Dolls

Alternative Retro and Psychedelic  info  

Comments                                                Add new Comment   View All

Ronnie Hock

3/12/2009 8:44:03 PM
You guys are about everything I love in music......more please.


2/6/2008 6:28:05 AM
I have to say...just love your music! You have a raw edge, yet maintain a wonderful, creative range of melodies. I could be your biggest fan.

Steve Ison

12/4/2007 11:40:40 AM
Hi Josh..Just listening to your songs and wondering what you're doing these days..Hope the music's going great..Your songs n stations have given me a stack of enjoyment over the last couple of years:)



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* Your song 'Nancy' has just been added to One-of-a-Kind Gems station!
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* Your song 'Instant Party' has just been added to The Good Stuff 4U station!
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* Your song 'Instant Party' has just been added to Alternative Retro and Psychedelic station!
* Your song 'Instant Party' has just been added to Mystery Radio station!
* Your song 'Nancy' has just been added to Because they're beautiful station!
* Your song 'Remember When' has just been added to Because they're beautiful station!
* Your song 'Remember When' has just been added to Because they're beautiful station!
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* Your song 'Jet Lagged' has just been added to Expressions of May station!
IAC Your song 'Nancy' has just been added to PICNIC station!
IAC Your song 'Nancy' has just been added to The Green Army station!
IAC Your song 'Solid Gold' has just been added to 5 Songs A Day (3) station!
* Your song 'Creep' has just been added to IMP Playlist station!
* Your song 'Remember When' has just been added to IMP Playlist station!
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* Your song 'Instant Party' has just been added to Greatest Clicks station!
* Your song 'Instant Party' has just been added to The IMP station!
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IMP Your song 'Long Long Way' has just been added to GRIP Radio Desperado station!
IMP Your song 'Like A Suicide' has just been added to BULLY FM station!
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IMP Your song 'Long Long Way' has just been added to HIGH Radio Desperado station!
IMP Your song 'Long Long Way' has just been added to OTHER FM station!
IMP Your song 'Nancy' has just been added to OTHER FM station!
IMP Your song '+Brazil+' has just been added to OTHER FM station!
IMP Your song 'Nancy' has just been added to HEMP FM station!
IMP Your song 'Crime of the Century' has just been added to HEMP FM station!
IMP Your song '+Brazil+' has just been added to HEMP FM station!
IMP Your song '+Brazil+' has just been added to HEMP FM station!
IMP Your song 'Long Long Way' has just been added to HEMP FM station!
IMP Your song 'Frank and Lucy' has just been added to HEMP FM - A Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Remember When' has just been added to HEMP FM - A Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Creep' has just been added to HEMP FM - A Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Happy Manors' has just been added to HEMP FM - A Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Solid Gold' has just been added to HEMP FM - A Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Instant Party' has just been added to HEMP FM - A Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Jet Lagged' has just been added to HEMP FM - A Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Everything That Happened' has just been added to SNAP FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
IMP Your song 'Instant Party' has just been added to Roaring Twenties 2.0 station!
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Check us out at

BULL FM - A Desperado Revue station
Indie RUUULES!!!
Missing The Beatles?
Greatest Clicks
Moody, Cool, Psychotic, and Mesmerizing
Psychedelic Pop Station
K-RTRO vol. II
The Frequency Is V
the other end of the dial
Expressions of May
The Green Army
Epic Soundtracks
quirky pop 801
Musical Tangents
The Good Stuff 4U
- 90 - Archive
GF RADIO by but then the self...
i like it two
DriveTime FM
One-of-a-Kind Gems
Powerpop Station
HEMP FM - a Desperado Revue station
new great ones
IAIA Song of the Year Nominations
The Hitmen - Completed Contracts
what The Bye Byes are listening to
Punked Out Radio
the music maniac
Floydian Trip
SNAP FM - a Desperado Revue station
Poets & Carnivores
why didn't you just say so?
Downloads ON SALE - The Busking Station
:::Abominable Snow Shaft:::
The Farm
Lars Lair
Acid Rain
Roaring Twenties 2.0
Prime Cuts
zing! flip! squash!--WATERPLANET radio
Rada Net Radio (NU WAVE)
Lou Reed
Eaglehead's Big Bundle O' Tunes
Delicious Music
serendipity redux II
Velvet Goldmine
Bubbling Up
The Grass Is Greener
Rada Net Radio (Ethnosonics)
Steve Isons IAC Nominations 2006
Bentleys Cuz station
Ray's Selections
The Big Red One
FtB Favorites
Cabaret Noir.......
Politics Of Pop (Smart Writing & Indica)
ALtErNaTiVe ReTrO aNd PsYcHeDeLiC
IMP Playlist
Sunburn Radio
station fulla hits
If you ask, you're in.
Because they're beautiful
Settly Radio

Station Links
i like it   Wonderfully eclectic mix of the varied range of music on IAC. Definitely worth listening to!
Lou Reed   Tribute to the master.
K-RNDM   A new K station! Songs that don't quite fit into the PNK, RTRO, NDY playlists make their way here.
  Great stuff to be found here
Steve Isons IAC Nominations 2006   We are honored and humbled to have our song "Remeber When" included on this wonderful list of songs. Thanks Steve!
super 8 radio   Great Idea for a station. Only 8 songs! Ah, simplicity.
quirky pop 801   Wonderfully devoted to quirky pop.
Epic Soundtracks   A wonderful collection of songs to pass the day by with.
TXRadio   From the wonderful band, Theatre X, A great station full of chewey pop goodness.
For Those In Need of Airplay I   A fantastic station idea. pick the best songs from artists being played on less than 10 stations. Highly recommended.
Page Links
Steve Ison   One of the greats here on IAC. Always interesting and substantial. Lou Reed is probably the best song on IAC if not the entire free world.
Tony Rugalo   A wonderful singer and songwriter. So good I'll give you a money back guarentee.
The Widower   My Nefarious alter-ego.
Ian McLagan   Are you kidding? Ian McLagan? OMG!
Honey Tree Lane  
Pete Townshend   What a delight it is to be able to link to Mr. Townshend's page. In addition to his beautiful music with Rachel, his presence here at IAC is a wonderful show of support for all the artists on this site. Thank you Pete.

10/23/2010 8:42:35 PM
Last pageview at: 10/25/2024 5:27:02 PM
Pageviews: 32474

The Living Dolls