Dream Catcher Thanks for adding our song "Dream Catcher" and all the best in helping the tribes get control of their lands and destiny -- maXwell
Ipoppa E Please, Check out my new songs of Ambient Genre. Hopefully you Like it!
Marc Ceccotti Thank you for playing -Flying with Geronimo-, very honored to be on this station.
maXwells cafe And again, thanks for adding my tone poem "Psalm 124" to your great station -- maXwell
RedRobin I am very honoured that my music has been chosen to be here. The underlying message of this station is excellent. Many Blessings!
RedRobin If you don't know about it already, I expect you will want to check out www.lakotafreedom.com
maXwells cafe Also, you might want to check out my instrumental piece "April Starry Sky" insired by watching by the campfire all night while I was supporting a friend out on the hill for his vision quest -- maXwell
Pinedog Many thanks for adding my THREE SHIPS. I look forward to listening to your station tonight after work. Peace..Pinedog
Terry Burdette Thank you for the honor of ing "Geronimo's Ghost" to play on your list. I could not have dreamed of a more perfect place for this song to be..thanks again
Malvin Please add my song "On the Edge of Something Beautiful" in your playlist
Malvin Please add my song "Plach Lubov' (Cry, Love)
DennisBrownTribute hey checkout SWmooth eggae tracks youll ove them
Nigels Thank you. May all nations honor and respect tribal sovereignty
Ras Paulo more music
clydelucas Tribal Sovereignty, thank you so much for placing Dream Dance on your staion. let us not forgot the Modoc Nation and all Nations...Lest We Gorget. Warm regards, Clyde Lucas
James Stanley Howen Thank you verymuch for adding my song "Where The Mighty Rivers Meet" to your wonderful station. I am truly flattered to be considered, Jimmy
ric laue merci