l' inverse much little one has been brooded from a small egg much little one found from a bird on a sheet on a tree. When avvano divorato their covers, as it was skillful, all the other new animals have come to see the king of the world. But d' other part inverts has obtained angry and smite the animals of the forest with the lightning bolt bolts and more ulteriorly had tasted the stew that they have produced from the poor ones, carbonated animals, supping like the emperors ' until l' dawn has introduced and marked their foreheads stupefied. Then they have composed these songs while stretching the bees of which on honey they have been fed. Many lune avvano passed from when brooded and the many wonderful storys have been sayings of twenty-five the members d' reversal surviving, than has been corresponded with mutually and places eggs an army of the superman, that they have conquered the planet and has regulated pitiless over the foolish escorts which they have dared to call man. Besides those, we hope that gradiciate music! REVERSE@MySpace
Katherine's Ghost Babies
Lonely Michael's Hungry Eyes
Being of ye Gyrls of Convent Garden
I Wish I Was Friends With Some Lesbians
Avant Garde
Menstrual House
The Demon Tree
Beat of the Blood
Cyril Smith M.P.
Don't Take it!
10/21/2022 8:17:27 PM Just wanted to say hi it's rand the retsej deeppossession band I was so impessed by your avant garde I m happy to finally be able to add you to my Retsej indie radio station I loved othsongsmichaelse
9/14/2012 6:55:28 AM great stuff!
8/30/2011 4:14:38 PM Hi !
8/2/2011 4:07:56 PM it's minus 5 degrees here today-I'd be here for weeks if my lips froze but ewe guys are uniqueso Indie Spirit beckons
9/13/2010 3:11:05 AM me likeee too....... DOH!
8/3/2010 9:07:55 AM Great stuff here - love it all!
3/8/2010 12:39:23 AM Still one of your biggest American-soon-2-b-UK pHaNs.... i wish i was friends with some lesbians
12/30/2009 4:31:28 PM Unique,highly creative, with fresh attitude and aggressive Mpact N the approach of delivery...awesome soundscapes of multi-genrecal destinctions...ThanX 4 letting us listN~Austn
9/27/2009 5:09:52 AM DOH !!! pHLeGM'd again. VOTIN' my cute little TUSH off for Katherine's Ghost Babies.... Congrats on your success in POP. May you be victorious, where I have completely FAILED to vanquish the foes.... and shite like that....
8/4/2009 11:12:56 PM hmmmmmm..... looks like I'm not the ONLY one who likes "I wish I was friends with some lesbians" it seems to be creepin' up into the top 3 of POP !!!! vote early and often. it is your civic duty
2/14/2009 11:47:23 PM Hey fuckers. Haven't told you how amazing you are for a little while. But goddammit, don't go get all big-headed and shit.
12/14/2008 11:27:37 AM Haha, Thanks for the ceremony tutorial, LOL. I like the hint of early Pink Floyd influence in you music. Thanks for stopping by!
9/2/2008 12:46:22 AM YEAH! You're shit rules! When are you gonna be playin' in LONDON in SEPT/OCT ? We're gonna be out that way around then... Love your floyd/beatles/punk/pop/retro/nuevo feel. KEEP on Phuckin' ROckin' ! -Phlegm
3/29/2008 7:58:11 AM "Lonely Michael's..." has a great retro vibe - lots of fun to listen - I feel instantly transported to the Summer of Love (which is a good thing in my book)...congratulations on your nomination...
3/25/2008 3:30:40 AM Hey guys... congrats on your Golden Kayak nominations. Good luck! SuperPussSuperPuss video
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